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The entire week of classes ended on Friday February 2, 2018. Members stuck to a rigorous schedule with core workshops in the morning and workshops in the afternoon, and even evening plenary sessions some nights. As a final moment together, they spontaneously started to sing moving labor songs and Hawaii Aloha to honor their time together and remember the importance of solidarity.

“If you like your livelihood, and having job security, then you value the security of the union,” said Ronald Siliado from Unit 2511 Makena Golf & Beach Club, arguing against Right to Work in the Right to Work class (see p. 2)

“Cuz no union means no job security. Yeah you might be happy you got extra $100 on your paycheck for not paying union dues. But as you’re not paying, the union still pays everyone’s arbitration and helps with all our medical. And if you drain the union, there will be no one left to help you.”

(photo at left): Siliado and Clyde Amuro of Unit 2406 Hawaiian Cement playing a chain game in their workshop called “Systems Thinking Tools - Don’t Solve Problems, Dissolve Them!” (photo at right): clockwise from bottom left is Dionicio Guzman Jr., Charles Andrion, Dickson Manzano, and Daniel Alejo from Unit 2520 Grand Wailea discussing ways to get their unit involved in PAC.

WHO PUSHED THE BUTTON? The good humor and creativity flowed when members in the class “How to Educate your Members and Bosses About Anything” were told to mime something for the rest of the class and the audience had to come up with a title to match. As each individual mimed something, the next one in the group would have to build on their story. These exercies rooted in improv stressed the importance of knowing how to think on your feet and go with the flow. L-R: Conrad Adams Unit 3401 Kauai Coffee Company, Linda Fernandez Unit 2509 Four Seasons Resort Lanai, Darren Iguchi Unit 4412 Servco Pacific Inc, Heidi Namauu Unit 2520 Grand Wailea Resort, Business Agent Corinna Salmo, Kele-Jo Kahai Unit 2408 Foodland.