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R-3 Support Local 26 Members Employed by Rite Aid Again – urging the ILWU to support the Local 26 members’ struggle with Rite Aid to achieve a fair and just workplace under a 3rd union contract after 1-1⁄2 years of bargaining to date; and that the ILWU support take a verbal and visual form, when requested by Local 26.

R-4 Statement of Policy on Honoring Fred Pecker – urging the Titled Officers, ILWU International Executive Board and 37th International Convention do hereby honor, recognize and celebrate Brother Fred Pecker’s many important contributions to our union; and that the officers and delegates assembled here, are united in extending our deepest compassion and humanity to Brother Pecker and his family during this challenging time.

R-5 Development of an ILWU App – urging the ILWU to immediately take on a feasibility study on the development of a smartphone app; and that if the development of such an app is determined to be feasible (as decided by the IEB), the project will be initiated as directed by the IEB (either in-house or in partnership with a third party; if the IEB moves the project forward, that all ILWU Locals will be contacted to weigh in on the desired functionalities for the proposed app; and if the IEB moves the project forward, that it will be given a high level of priority for completion within a reasonable timeline, as determined by the IEB.

R-6 Rank and File Participation in Union Democracy – urging the ILWU to devise a get out the vote (GOTV) outreach campaign that is ready for implementation by or before the 2021 Convention; that the GOTV campaign will be utilized for not just internal union elections but also, if appropriate, for regional and/or national elections as well; and that the GOTV campaign will continue for at least two ILWU elections cycles in order to determine the efficacy of the campaign.

R-10 IBU Skagit County Ferry 2017- 2020 Contract Bargaining – urging the ILWU to continue to fully mobilize members within the state of Washington to exert additional leverage away from the bargaining table in support of these fair contract demands, in the form of giving testimony at County Council meetings, making phone calls, and writing emails on behalf of the members’ efforts to secure a fair contract.

R-11 Fight Against Koch Industries – urging the ILWU members and International leadership to continue to support the IBU in its fight against Koch Industries’ automation efforts in the Columbia River Region in any way possible.

R-12 Regaining IBU Jobs on Alcatraz Ferry Service – urging the ILWU to continue to support the IBU in its struggle, going forward, with the ultimate goal of regaining union representation of the Alcatraz Ferry Service.

R-13 Janus V AFSCME Supreme Court Case Member Mobilization – urging the ILWU to spend time and resources on internal training and mobilization of ILWU members to educate them on the effects of the Janus decision and will help recommit union members; and that the ILWU Political Orientation within the American Labor Movement – urging the ILWU’s International officers send a formal correspondence to the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, The Amalgamated Transit union, The Communication Workers of America, The American Postal Workers Union and National Nurses United seeking to build direct fraternal bonds in the spirit of strengthening our relationships with progressive unions who have proven they are committed to progressive political action and building a new kind of working class politics in America from the bottom up.

R-17 Automation – urging this convention goes on record fighting to insure there are limits to automation in all industries; and that there be a just and equitable transition for workers who are displaced by automation

R-18 Support for the Right to Native Land – urging the ILWU go on record in defense of Native and indigenous people’s struggle throughout this country.

R-19 Support of ILWU Local 56 Ship Scalers – urging the ILWU Local 56 is recognized and supported as the environmental labor and hazardous material emergency unit response, along Local 56 jurisdictions, where there are no other ILWU local unions which may be affected; that the ILWU supports Local 56 in the labor being done in Marine oil, and chemical terminals where no other ILWU union are affected; and that the ILWU locals will report to Local 56 when they observe any of the aforementioned environmental hazardous material companies working in ILWU Local 56 jurisdictions, said jurisdiction being from San Diego county line to San Francisco Bay county line.

R-20 In Support of the Jones Act – urging the ILWU to continue its vigilance to protect the Jones Act and that the ILWU will commit resources to organize and educate the rank and file, elected officials and the general public about the importance of preserving this anchor of US maritime heritage that is the Jones Act.

R-21 On the 100 Year Anniversary of the IBU – urging the ILWU’s 37th Convention honor and dedicate this convention to the past and future sisters and brothers of the marine division and their continued struggles; and that the ILWU Dispatcher honor the IBU anniversary by dedicating a future edition of the newspaper to this magnificent achievement.

R-22 Support of Stopping the Threat of Anti-Union Edison Chouest – urging the IBU and ILWU to work together to thwart the stem of anti-unionism being brought to our shores by Edison Chouest.

R-24 Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) Privatization – urging the ILWU to go on record supporting the IBU Marine Division’s fight against the privatization of the AMHS and the degradation of our entire bargaining agreement.

R-25 Civil Rights – urging the ILWU and APRI to partner in pursuit of their shared goals of furthering worker rights and civil rights which are indeed, inseparable.

R-26 Robert McEllrath – expressing the ILWU’s heartfelt appreciation to Robert “Big Bob” McEllrath and recognizing his dedication and service to the ILWU by bestowing upon him the title of “President Emeritus.”

R-27 Support Pet Care Workers – urging the ILWU to continue its commitment to helping and providing all necessary support for the courageous organizing effort by animal care workers to form unions, affiliate with the ILWU, partner with the National Veterinary Professionals Union, and win improvements for workers, pet owners, and the animals that they both love.

R-28 Hornblower Cruises and Events – urging the ILWU to continue to assist the San Francisco Region of the IBU in obtaining information and building alliances to help combat Hornblower.

The delegates and observers from the Convention. Local 142 sent the largest delegation, numbering 115 (out of the 349 total). Photo by Lewis Wright.