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at $350,000; if the cap is reached, the $0.25 allocation from the Per Capita will cease; the CHCF shall be used exclusively to fund host committee activities at International Conventions; requires areas that do not pay Per Capita, but who may receive funds from the CHCF, to contribute in a manner consistent with the resolution; requires the Titled Officers and Trustees, and the area Host Committee, to file an end of convention financial report to the IEB within 24 months of the end of the convention; and prior to sending any money to the Host Committee, the Host Committee shall submit a proposed budget to titled officers.

C-2 Titled Officers Salary – updates titled officers’ salaries, which are based on the average of the percentage increase in the base rate of the pay in the ILWU’s three major industries - Longshore, Northern California Warehouse, and Local 142’s major hotel agreements.

C-3 Disaster Relief Fund – creates a Disaster Relief Fund and uses existing International assets to fund it; authorizes the Titled Officers to make donations from the Disaster Relief Fund, in amounts totaling $100,000 plus any supplemental contributions by members and affiliates, over a three year period (time between Conventions) for disasters such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, and famine; requires Titled Officers to submit complete reports of expenditures from the fund to the IEB; provides that if at the start of a new three-year cycle the Disaster Relief Fund is less than $100,000, then the shortfall will be made up from existing assets of the International; and gives the IEB the authority to waive these limits when it is in the interest of the ILWU.

C-4 IEB Representation – provides that no area shall lose an Executive Board member because of the loss of membership. Also requires the IEB to add an additional Executive Board member from Warehouse in the following areas: Oregon/Columbia River and Washington/Puget Sound. On the occasion where an area has three (3) or more Executive Board Members, on member shall be from an industry other than Longshore. 

C-5 Convention Locations – updates the Constitution to reflect the current Convention schedule, which switches Northern California to host the next Convention in 2021 and Panama to host the 2024 Convention. 

C-6 Convention Timing – allows the ILWU Convention to be held as late as June 30th of the year in which the Convention is to be held.

C-7 Convention Proceedings – requires the Proceedings of the International Convention to be completed and sent to all Locals within 6 months of the end of the Convention. 

C-8 Constitution – requires the International Constitution to be completed and sent to all Locals within 60 days of the end of the Convention.

C-9 Annual ILWU Youth Conference – establishes an annual ILWU youth conference to both teach and learn from members 35 years of age or younger, or as locals see fit. 

C-10 Officers and Staff Pension Plan – updates the Officers and Staff Pension Plan to bring it in line with the pension improvements of the longshore contract extension. 

C-11 Inclusion in Words and Deeds – amends the International Constitution and oaths of office to replace the words “he/she” or “his/ her/s” with the titled officer positions in discussion, with “the member/s” or with the gender-neutral singular pronouns they/them/their/s. 

C-12 Panama Canal Division Members to Vote – authorizes the ILWU to deliver election ballots by “General Delivery” to post offices located in either the Balboa or Colon, Panama, when a member of the Panama Canal Division does not have a home address or Post Office Box. 

C-13 Organizing to Survive – requires the Officers of the ILWU to immediately, upon taking office, to fill the vacant role of Director of Organizing; provides that the Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Northern California, and Southern California areas of the West Coast be staffed with a full-time organizer who lives in and will service the area; and charges the Organizing Department with the development and implementation of a strategic plan to aggressively seek out new organizing targets in all of the areas and work with the locals to gain new targets.

C-15 Digitize and Preserve the ILWU Past and Future Conventions – mandates that all past ILWU Convention Proceedings be digitized for their preservation and easy dissemination; and requires that all future Convention Proceedings be digitized.

C-16 OCU Local 63 – amends the ILWU Constitution to include (1) seat on the IEB for the ILWU Office Central Unit (OCU) of Local 63 from Southern California and makes the necessary change to Article VI Section II to allow the OCU in Southern California to compose an area

R-1 Support the Ah Quon McElrath Documentary Project – urging the 37th Convention of the ILWU International Union supports the Ah Quon McElrath Documentary Project; and that ILWU members and pensioners are urged to make contributions to complete the documentary project to the UH Foundation.

R-2 Support for Local 30 – urging the International to provide support in all forms necessary, be it international representation, and legal as well as research assistance in the upcoming 2021 negotiations with RTM Borax.

Some of the Hawaii delegation hard at work. Some committee meetings lasted well into the night. (Photo by Lewis Wright).