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Dave Mori 
Oahu Division Director

Dave Mori is the only remaining Oahu fulltime officer who hails from the sugar industry. “Historically, the strength of the ILWU has always been in its democratic nature and its ability to empower rank-and-file union members to take on challenges to improve their lives and places of work. As a union member, you have both the right and the responsibility to be an active part of the ILWU. The union is not a separate entity that makes things better for you; we are the union, and through our collective work, we make things better for ourselves. Every one of you is needed to make a strong ILWU.”


Shane Ambrose 
Oahu Division Business Agent

Shane Ambrose is one of two Oahu Business Agents from Unit 4405 - Foodland Super Market Ltd. “I first started as a rank-and-file member in 1990 at Foodland as a grocery clerk, then served as a temporary Business Agent and on the Local Executive Board. During my term, I’d like to meet as many members as I can one-on-one to talk about issues that affect them and their unit. I ran for office to give back to the union what it has given me and apply the things I’ve learned in service of the members. I am looking forward to meeting you, learning more about your industry, and about the concerns you have on the job.”


Brandon Bajo-Daniel 
Oahu Division Business Agent

Brandon Bajo-Daniel hails from the Unit 4306 - Del Monte Fresh Produce. “I want the members to believe in the union. I will try to accomplish this by doing the best I can for them, establishing good relationships and acting with integrity. I ran for office to work with other elected officers to make a difference in this union, and I believe we can do it. Coming from Molokai and living on Maui, I have seen two industries—sugar and pineapple—go downhill. That is why I feel we need to get involved with political action, to make sure other industries stay strong and viable. Remember, ‘an injury to one is an injury to all.’ ”


Karl Lindo 
Oahu Division Business Agent

Karl Lindo worked at the Hawaiian Waikiki Beach Hotel and was a union organizer before becoming a Business Agent. “I hope to continue helping members learn and understand their rights as union members, and to do my best to represent them at the workplace. I believe in what the ILWU stands for and feel its important to serve the union and the membership. The members are what makes the ILWU a great union. Because of their support and participation, I feel I can make a difference in improving their lives as union members.”

Larry Ruiz 
Oahu Division Business Agent

Larry Ruiz is the other of two Business Agents from Unit 4405 - Foodland Super Market Ltd., Oahu’s single largest unit. “My goals include getting good contracts for our members, and that means getting more members involved in the activities of the unit. When members are active and educated—and the company knows it—we negotiate from a position of strength. I will also work to process grievances in a timely manner, and try to find grievance resolutions that are “win-win”—good for the workers and the company.”


Tyrone Tahara 
Oahu Division Business Agent

Tyrone Tahara serves as the longshore industry Business Agent and is from Unit 4201 - McCabe, Hamilton & Renny. “My goal is for the Hawaii Longshore Division to have closer communications and ties with the West Coast Longshore, Wharf Clerks, Maintenance & Repair, Warehouse, Clerical Locals and the International. This is the only way we can learn from them and prepare for negotiations in 2008. When I first ran for office, there were a few long-time members holding thing together, who made many sacrifices for the cause of the Union. I urge everyone, especially the new hires, to get involved to maintain what we have in our contract.”


Brian Tanaka 
Oahu Division Business Agent

Brian Tanaka is one of two Business Agents who are on leave from Unit 4406 - The Honolulu Advertiser to serve the union. “My main focus over the next triennium is to work to improve the living and working standards of our members. We can accomplish this by mobilizing members to build strong units, negotiating strong contracts, and making a commitment to police those contracts diligently. I will do my best to represent the needs and concerns of the rank-and-file members of the ILWU. I will listen to your concerns, keeping an open ear and open mind. The most important thing is that as members, we remain united; our unity gives us strenth on the job.”


Michael Yamaguchi 
Oahu Division Business Agent

Mike Yamaguchi also from Unit 4406 - The Honolulu advertiser, is a first-time officer. “My main goal is to educate members about their rights under the contract. Management knows that many workers don’t know their rights. I don’t want members to feel intimidated by management if the contract is violated. With education, members will know what they can and should do when that happens. The number one fear of management is an educated union member. We also need to negotiate good contracts that continue to give good pay, benefits, and pensions so that members can raise and support their families, and to encourage more members to actively participate in the union.