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William Kennison 
Maui Division Director

Willie Kennison is on leave from Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Co. (HC&S). “I would like to bring the membership together in supporting the programs of the union. I also believe it is important to negotiate fair and equitable contracts that benefit all of the workers.

As Division Director I want to make sure that our people receive the benefits that they are entitled to as union members. In particular, I will work hard to help establish a Health & Welfare Trust Fund to fight the rising cost of medical premiums.

I also encourage everyone to get involved with union political action. Volunteer in the union’s political action program—that is the only way we can protect the hard earned benefits that we have all fought for.”


Roberto Andrion 
Maui Division Business Agent

Bobby Andrion comes from Unit 2101 HC&S Co. “What I would like to accomplish during my term of office is to involve new members in all union and political activities. My intermediate objective is to build a strong support group of stewards within each department. My primary goal will be to have a new generation of active participating members in political and union activities. I chose to run for office because I believe in the importance of fair treatment. My family was always in the working class and I want to preserve the rights that we enjoy today . . . not to suffer what our parents suffered yesterday. I am no one special. We are all equal. Let’s work hard, play hard and fight harder to keep what we already have.”


Stephen Castro Sr. 
Maui Division Business Agent

Steve Castro is on leave from Unit 2514 - Kapalua Bay Hotel and Ocean Villas, where he is a Journeyman first class in the maintenance department. “One of the things I would like to accomplish is to develop a larger steward and leadership base at the unit level and to make our membership more award of what their Union has to offer. All things are possible when we all get involved.

I’ve always enjoyed helping people, and more so, to help those that are not able to fend for themselves—in particular, our seniors. Also, I hope that I am able to make a difference by being there for our members. I’ve been a union member for 25 years. I enjoy helping people even though I know not everyone will be satisfied. This is not an easy job, but it is very satisfying when I am able to help someone.”


Jerrybeth DeMello 
Maui Division Business Agent

Jerrybeth DeMello, hails from the Westin Maui where she works as a cook. “My goal is to work for improvements in the benefits and working conditions of our members. I would also like to build on the ILWU’s positive pubic image—especially among our members.

I have experienced being treated unfairly on the job, and do not want anyone to go through what I did.

I was raised under the Union banner. My family worked in the Maui Pine fields in the “good old days.” Today, I emphasize to my children that almost everything that we buy or own is bought with union-earned money. I know that without the union, many of us would not have any rights or a better future. Unions—especially the ILWU—have provided us a better opportunity and future.”

Delbert DeRego 
Maui Division Business Agent

Delbert DeRego formerly worked for Wailuku Agribusiness as a truck driver and harvester operator. “I will strive to promote solidarity within the workplace and active participation of unit members in our union’s democratic processes. If all members get active in the union and work together, we can improve our work place and further the principles of this Union—and improve the communities that we live in.

I ran for office in order to do whatever I can to educate the members and the community about the principles of unionism, to implement the union’s programs, and to improve the lives of our union members. I am committed to continue to serve the membership to the best of my ability.”


Teddy Espeleta 
Maui Division Business Agent

Teddy Espeleta is from Maui Pineapple Co. and this is his first election to office. “I would like to try and help as many members as possible, and try to educate our new members on the importance of being a part of a union. Unions have power because there is strength in numbers, and the strongest unions are the ones where members are active, not passive. That is why it is so important that all members take an active role in the ILWU—it gives you an even stronger voice in the workplace.

By being active in the union, I’ve learned a lot of skills, and I want to help ILWU members in any way I can. While I am in office, I will do my best to work hard for you.”


Joseph Franco Jr. 
Maui Division Business Agent

Joe Franco Jr. is a long-time business agent on leave from Unit 2101 - HC&S Co. “The first of my two main goals as a Business Agent is to organize unorganized workers. Organizing new workers improves our communities, by allowing more workers and their families to enjoy the security and benefits of a union contract. More union jobs mean better pay and a more stable workforce.

My other main goal is to continue to provide service and assistance to current members of the ILWU. I hope to do this by negotiating fair contracts, making sure that management follows the contract, and doing whatever I can to protect members’ rights on the job.”


Claro Romero 
Maui Division Business Agent

Claro Romero is on leave from Unit 2409 - Island Movers, where he works as a truck driver. “My goal as a Business Agent is to provide better service to all members. I think that some members feel that they are not getting the representation that they should be getting on the job. I want to change their minds by always being there for all members and also by empowering and educating members about how they can help themselves.

I am especially concerned about members who may be immigrants and speak English as a second language, such as the many Filipino workers who are employed in ILWU units. I will do everything I can to facilitate communication between members and the union.”


Wayne Takehara 
Maui Division Business Agent

Wayne Takehara is on leave from Maui Pineapple Co., where he works as a maintenance construction mechanic. “In 1977, I chose to be an active union leader in my unit and the division because I wanted to improve working conditions, benefits and wages that affected my fellow members. I would like to build our current active union leadership, who will continue to lead our union in the best interests of our members, their families, and our retirees in the years ahead.

Members must get involved and support their union to enhance their daily life at their work place. Members should also support political action and vote for the union endorsed candidates to improve and protect their life in the community and our country.”


Joycelyn Victorino
 Maui Division Clerk


Joyce Naruse 
Maui Division Senior Clerk

Contract Administrator Michael Murata instructs Maui Stewards during a grievance handling class held at the Wailuku ILWU Union Hall.


Maui unit leaders Andres Guerrero, Domingo Paet and Jimmy Yanos of Unit 2101 - Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. were three of 185 members who have attended steward’s classes so far in 2004. For more on steward’s classes see page 8.

Meet your Kauai Officers & Staff

Clayton Dela Cruz 
Kauai Division Division Director

Clayton Dela Cruz is originally from Kekaha Sugar Company and has been an ILWU officer for 19 years. “I would like to see all workers have fair and just wages and benefits. To that end, I will do whatever I can to help workers keep and maintain dignity and justice on the job. All workers deserve fair treatment and the opportunity to raise our standard of living, and we can achive these goals through membership in the ILWU. I think I am the typical member—I love to travel, like all sports, especially hunting and fishing, and like to collect antiques. Most of all, I love spending time with family— especially the grandchildren.”


Pamela Green 
Kauai Division Business Agent

Pamela Green is from Unit 3402 - Foodland Super Market Ltd. on Kauai. “One of the things I would most like to accomplish is to learn all of my units’ contracts. I ran for office because I felt it was an opportunity for me to learn another facet of how our Union operates, and at the same time expand my exposure to the different issues our members face. I wanted to offer my help. Be patient with me, I am learning—and any suggestions on how to improve are always welcome.”


Michael Machado 
Kauai Division Business Agent

Michael Machado is on leave from Unit 3504 - Princeville Corp. “The most important part of being a union member is being actively involved in your union. It’s your union, and the ILWU is a highly democratic organization—so you have a say in what the union does. Speak up on contract proposals. Come to union meetings. Support your negotiating committee during contract talks. Police your contract— watch out for management violations. Don’t be afraid to talk with your unit officers if you see a problem, or to call me anytime. I will always be there for you as your Business Agent—and I need you to get involved, too. Together, we can do better.”


Melissa Ragasa 
Kauai Division Clerk