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his nomination, he requested a special privilege to speak. It was granted on the condition that it answered whether he accepted or denied his nomination. Medeiros expressed to the Convention, given the three nominations, he does not feel right about “splitting the union.” Medeiros did not accept his nomination to serve as Vice President.

The Local Executive Board Industrial Grouping Nominees are as follows: Kelly Ruidas (Sugar), William “Baba” Haole (Longshore), Douglas Cabading (Pineapple), Bryon Ponte (General Trades), Lynden Koerte (General Trades), Ronald Johnson (Tourism), and Helene Kaiahua-Sado (Tourism). Ian Cabatingan was also nominated as Local Executive Board Sugar Industrial Grouping representative, but he later withdrew his nomination.

The work of the convention 
The work of the Convention took four days of committee meetings, discussions and reports. On the first day, delegates worked in one of three committees: Contract Administration, Constitution & Resolutions, and ILWU Programs. The work continued into the second day, reviewing the Officer’s Report, organizing and resolutions. The work of all the committees must be approved by the entire Convention. Delegates adopted a budget to pay for the work of the union for the next three years. Delegates adopted a budget that would reinvigorate the Education program needed for the next three years. On the last day, delegates nominated the candidates for the three top officers of the union and the industrial grouping members of the local executive board. The next Convention will be in September 2015. The International Convention will be held in June 2015, in Hawaii, as well.

The actions of the Convention must be submitted to the membership of the union for their approval. Ratification meetings will be held in October and November in all Divisions to give members a report of what happened at the Convention and to get their vote of approval.

The next issue of the Voice of the ILWU will contain more details on the work of the Convention.

26th Biennial State Pensioner Conference held on Maui

The 26th Biennial ILWU State Pensioner Conference was held on July 10-12, 2012 at the Maui Beach Hotel, an ILWU house. The conference was designed so ILWU pensioners could gather for a few days of fellowship, fun and a good discussion of the union’s programs.

A total of 119 pensioners, Memorial Association members, Division titled officers and Local titled officers and staff were in attendance. Maui Division had 41 in attendance, Hawaii Division had 40, Kauai Division had 19, and Oahu Division had 14 in attendance.

On the first day, Local 142 Secretary-Treasurer, Guy Fujimura, Maui Division Director William Kennison spoke to the pensioners, welcoming them to the Conference. Maui Mayor Alan Arakawa, as well as, candidate for 2nd Congressional District, Mufi Hanneman and Congresswoman Mazie Hirono spoke to the pensioners. ILWU Local 142 pensioners are well known for their political action. Following the speeches and meet-and-greet with each of the candidates, the pensioners continued with their strength in political action and sign waved with the candidates for an hour. The night was ended with a beautiful dinner and bingo at the Union Hall in Wailuku.

The second day of the conference stared with Division caucuses to select representatives for State Association Officers. Representative Keith-Agaran, chair of the House Judiciary Committee came to speak to the pensioners. The Conference considered resolutions and reports from each club. A banquet capped off the night with entertainment at the Maui Beach Hotel.

The last day of the Pensioners Conference was designated for an excursion trip to Wailea to stop at the Grand Wailea and a visit to Iao Needle and Iao State Park. The Conference was a huge success and the Pensioners made the decision to bring a resolution to the 26th Local Convention asking for one vote within each Division within the Political Action Committee. It was not passed, but sparked a huge discussion and illustrated to the rank-and-file the importance of political action. 

Congresswoman Mazie Hirono, attends the 2012 Pensioners Conference, and asks for the continued support of the pensioners in the upcoming battle against Linda Lingle for United States Senate.