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Local President

Local President Candidate 
Sheldon Biga

Aloha I am Sheldon Biga. I have been a member since 1975 and have held various positions including Steward, Temporary Business Agent, Negotiations Committee Member, Membership Service Chair, and Local Executive Board Member. Currently, I am Lead Millwright Journeyworker and Crane Operator for HC&S. Born and raised in Wainee Village in Lahaina, Maui, the values of unity and solidarity are rooted in me. I had the privilege of growing up in a community that was successfully interconnected as a family, where each person worked hard and diligently so that all could share in the fruitful benefits. This also proved fundamental during difficult times, when all families would pull together and align to overcome hardship. I carry these lessons and abilities with me as I serve my family, my community, and the ILWU. I believe my passion and commitment will bring transparency in leadership and communication and strengthen unity between leaders and members. I have faith in our members, faith in ILWU, and faith in myself to join together to overcome significant struggles so that everyone may share in the triumphs. United we stand, divided we fall. An injury to one is an injury to all. Mahalo, Sheldon Biga.

Local President Candidate 
Donna Domingo

Donna Domingo, President of the ILWU Local 142.

Currently I’m the standing President, And I am honored and grateful to be given the opportunity to serve in the highest level of this Union. Come November the ILWU Local 142 membership will be faced with electing officers to serve this Union for the next 3 years.

I ask again for your support and consideration in allowing me to serve as your President. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have served the membership for the past 8 years as the Vice President. The next 3 years we will emphasize on Education, and Training, for the up and coming future leaders and members, I heard you at the convention loud and clear. And I agree.

The ILWU has a rich history like no other Union, and I am proud of it. Our forefathers instilled the democracy, and Principles in our Union. And I will uphold that legacy.

“Unity, Solidarity, and Strength” “An Injury to One is an Injury to All” it’s our Legacy and our Future.

Again I ask for your support, and join me to insure that the ILWU Local 142 is here for the future generations to come.

In Solidarity 
Donna Domingo

Local Vice President

Local Vice President Candidate 
Teddy B. (Bear) Espeleta

I am so humbled by the support I have received upon my nomination as the next ILWU Local 142 Vice President. Thank you to the Brothers and Sisters who attended the 26th Convention. I am filled with gratitude for the love you have shown me and I will never forget that moment we shared. I listened and took to heart what was called for in this Convention. You, my brothers and sisters, have called upon our great union to revive a much-needed Education and Communications program. Knowledge is power. The more each of us know on the Unit, Division and Local level, the stronger our union will stand in defending the working families of Hawaii.

I come from humble beginnings – the pineapple fields of Lanai. I have never forgotten the real everyday struggles of working mothers and fathers. In the last 30 years as a member, I have worked in different capacities within the union, learning as much as I could from you, my fellow Business Agents, Division Director, the staff of the Local and our titled officers. I look forward to thanking you, by serving you and representing you as the next Vice President.

Local Vice President Candidate 
Wallace A. Ishibashi Jr.

The candidate most Qualified, Experienced, Genuinely cares for you. Sustaining the quality of Local 142 through Integrity, Honesty, and Proven Performance.

I humbly seek your support and vote to allow me to serve as your Local Vice President. With each title officer comes authority, with authority comes responsibilities, and with responsibility comes accountability to the rank and file. I truly believe that the balance of power should be shared between the Divisions. Balance ensures broader perspectives, unique problem solving, no single division should control this authority.

As a member in good standing since1975. FTO since 1993 and current Hawaii Division Director, Proves that I am dedicated and qualified to get the job done. I’m offering my experience as a respected leader and years of administration skills.

ministration skills. I understand the needs of the rank and file and what it takes to sustain our family. The cost of living in paradise is spiraling out of control. That burden will always hurt and be born to those on the lowest rung of the economic ladder. The have and the have not’s remain constant. Offering my vision to improve the living conditions here in Hawaii.

Decisive, Determined, Dependable Wallace Ishibashi Defending our core values.

Local Secretary-Treasurer

Local Secretary-Treasurer Candidate 
Guy Fujimura

I have been a member of the ILWU Local 142 since 1974. While at Unit 4402 Love’s Bakery, I was a shop steward, Unit Chair and Chair of the statewide bakery negotiation committee. I have been a delegate to International and Local Conventions since 1977. I have made organizing house calls, produced leaflets and participated in planning organizing campaigns. I have taught classes to the rank and file leadership. I have been the Union’s spokesman in negotiations. I am the Local’s Political Action Coordinator and have presented the ILWU’s Program at Legislature. I have had the honor of serving as your Local Secretary-Treasurer since 1985, responsible for the Union’s finances and records.

Our recent 26th Convention has passed an aggressive, rank and file program, founded on our extraordinary history and democratic, progressive principles. We have a responsibility to lead in the continuing struggle for economic, social, and political justice, not only for our members and their families, but for the working class in Hawaii, our nation and throughout the world.

I urge you to support candidates in our Union election with the drive and leadership to bring us together and move us forward. Support your ILWU.