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Hawaii Division Director 
Richard Baker, Jr.

As the Hawaii Division Director for the past six (6) years, Richard Baker, Jr. has led the Hawaii Division Team to achieve its goals in the areas of organizing, mobilizing, negotiations of good and fair contracts, and building future leadership at the unit level.

When I look back as a worker in sugar at the Hilo Coast Processing Company (H.C.P.C.) as a unit leader, then as a business agent and currently as your Hawaii Division Director, we must not lose focus of the reason why we serve our members. We need to be strong as union leaders, set new goals and priorities, lead our rank-and-file, and protect their rights as our fathers struggled so hard to achieve, which we must now continue to struggle to maintain our rights and benefits as rank-andfile members.

The Hawaii Division Team is here for you—just call us—WE WILL BE THERE!

“An Injury to One Is An Injury To All.”

Business Agent 
Greg Gauthier

I would like to say a sincere mahalo to all of our members and their families for supporting the cause of workplace justice through their efforts. I am especially grateful to our unit officers who give so selflessly to act as mentors, friends, teammates, therapists, and advisors, not only to their fellow workers, but to all of us.

Sometimes as Business Agents, we are so very busy filing grievances, negotiating contracts, working on political action issues to better living standards for working people, or just listening to our members vent, that we forget to remind all working people why Unionism makes perfect sense for them as individuals. As working class people, most of us do not have our own attorney like some of these big time corporate CEOs. As individuals, we would be laughed off the premises of the company if we went to the manager on our own and told them that we demand a 3 percent wage increase each year for the next 4 years, a ten percent pension increase, full family medical coverage with the most minimum co-share possible, and we want it all in writing. However, as a group of workers, we have the power to leverage ourselves to make just those very demands without being laughed off the premises. Some of our members may never have a grievance their whole career. They may wonder why they are even paying dues if they never get into any trouble. Of course, the security of knowing that you cannot be terminated at will, and that you have legal recourse through the grievance procedure is very valuable to all Union members. But, perhaps the greatest benefit for all Union members is knowing that when it comes to wages and benefits, Union members make upwards of 20 to 30 percent more than non-union members in the same or similar job classifications nationwide. In order to maintain that advantage, you must get involved, join your unit officers, and take part in this very blessed and moral struggle for equality and justice. All of our individual futures depend on our collective efforts through the ILWU. If you and I don’t do it, who will?

Business Agent 
Elmer Gorospe

I would like take this opportunity to say “Thank you” to all of the members of the Hawaii Division for their support. As our Union faces many challenges, I am committed to serve the rank and file to the best of my ability, to assist all members and to continue to protect workers rights. Over the next three years, some of my goals will be to work hand-inhand with rank-and-file members at each of the units I serve; mentor upcoming leaders; and make sure the terms of our contracts are upheld. I have always believed in the critical importance of political action. Grassroots organizing for politics is one of the greatest weapons unions have to improve our chance of getting a fair shake in Congress and at the State Legislature. I hope to be able to recruit more active members into our political action program, because our numbers are our strength.

Business Agent 
Wallace Ishibashi

Mahalo for your vote of confidence and trust. I will continue to pledge my friendship and knowledge to help you in any way possible. During this term in office we will be faced with some major negotiations, together we will settle for the best package possible. Providing more training opportunities for unit members interested to learn and provide additional training for our senior Unit officers to better represent their members are some of our goals.

“United Together” we can make a huge difference as the driving force of Hawaii Division and Local 142. Get involved, be proactive, your participation determines our success.

Business Agent 
George Martin

Aloha Brothers & Sisters, Thanks to All who voted for me. This is my second term as your “TEAM MEMBER” of Hawaii Division.

I look forward to doing ALL I can to serve, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU, the members of ILWU. I work for you

Who knows what the further holds for us, but, whatever it is, as long as WE stick together WE should prevail!


Business Agent 
Corinna Salmo

First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members who have placed their trust and faith in me. As you must know, we are now experiencing one of the worst economic times there has ever been. We see it every day of our lives, in our places of work, with our families, friends, our union members, our communities, our County, State and Federal Governments and the world in general. Within our workplace we see many challenges and issues that we have never experienced before, but we must face each of those challenges head on until they are defeated. The task ahead of us as a Labor Union will be challenging, but if we band together, compromise and work together as one, we can overcome these adversities and obstacles that may come our way.

With all this said, my hope and dream is to unite our members together in accord and to continue to

preserve the path our leaders before us strived so diligently to provide. Both leaders and members in the past worked together as a team and as a result, were successful in defeating the many obstacles that stood in their way. They were able to do this by not only speaking the words of our motto—“An injury to one is an injury to all”—but actually living it.

This is truly what I hope to accomplish in my second term, to continue to preserve and unite our organization. Let us therefore continue on with the same pride, commitment and unity so future generations may be able to proudly follow in our footsteps.

ILWU 142 Hawaii Division

100 W. Lanikaula St.
Hilo, HI 96720
PH: 935-3727
FAX: 961-2490

45-3720 Honokaa-Waipio Rd.
Honokaa, HI 96727
PH: 775-0443
FAX: 775-0477

Kaiwi Square
74-5565 Luhia St., #A-3a
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
PH: 329-2070
FAX: 331-2571

Hawaii Division Clerks’ photos on page 8