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Maui Division Director William Kennison

The past three years have been the most trying of my 30 years as a fulltime officer of the ILWU Local 142, having served as a Division Representative, Business Agent and presently as the Maui Division Director.

With the help of the Business Agents and Unit Leadership we will continue to strive forward and support our members in improving and maintaining benefits in our Collective Bargaining Agreements. One of our main goals is to improve and to get more Companies that we represent into the Hotel and General Health and Welfare Trust Funds. With the rising cost of medical it is the only way we can help our members’ control the medical premiums cost and well as maintain their benefits. Our goals are to ensure that in the long run, we save our members jobs so we all have a bright future to look forward to.

Business Agent Abel Kahoohanohano, Jr.

My goal as a business agent is to build my Unit’s leadership structure by sending the stewards and officers to more training classes. A Unit is not operating properly if it is not built from the ground up.

The members of this Union have every right to have their voices heard, and the way to do it is provide good education and leadership so we may achieve maximum success.

My job as a business agent is to advise these Unit leaders and support the members by making sure their concerns with the Company are addressed in a timely manner

My job as a business agent is to advise these Unit leaders and support the members by making sure their concerns with the Company are addressed in a timely manner.

Business Agent 
Roberto Andrion

Throughout history the ILWU was always in the forefront fighting to improve work conditions, wages, and benefits by organizing the unorganized workers, thus, setting a higher standard of living for others industries to follow.

I chose to run for office because I strongly believe that the union (ILWU) provides us with the ability to preserve and constantly improve those benefits we enjoy today. It is my goal to continue expanding the membership through organizing, maintain the benefits that we have, and improve those benefits for a brighter & better tomorrow.

For any one goal to be accomplished it needs the support of many wonderful and caring ILWU members. One person cannot do it alone; however, as a group we can make a major difference in the years to come. I ask for everyone to actively volunteer and support our Union activities and Political Action Committee programs so that we can build upon what of our forefathers started.

“LET’S WORK TOGETHER, Our future and children’s future is in our hands”

Business Agent 
Claro Romero

My goal as a Business Agent is to continue providing better service to all members. I know that some members feel that they are not getting the representation that they should be getting on the job. I want to change their minds by always being supportive to all, and especially the members.

I am particularly concerned about members who may be immigrants and speak English as a second language, such as the many Filipino workers who are employed in ILWU units. I will continue to do the best I can, and look forward to serving and seeing you all.

Mahalo!!! Salamat!!! Thank You!!! Mabuhay to all of you…

Business Agent 
Steve Castro

Aloha, my name is Stephen (Steve) Castro Sr. and I’d like to thank you for allowing me to serve you as your Business Agent. It has certainly been a challenging and rewarding experience for me these last few years.

My goal for this term will be to get our members more involved by taking an active part in their units. This is not about one person, it’s about all of us—and working together, all things are possible.

I will continue to do my best to serve and represent you to the best of my ability.

Business Agent 
Delbert DeRego

The past three years has been the most trying time I have ever experienced, since becoming a Full Time Officer of the Maui Division in 1995, which was due to the unprecedented economic conditions of recent past that has affected all of us.

This next term we will continue to work diligently to preserve jobs, work opportunity and assurance of worker dignity in all our industries.

Strive to promote active participation, education, leadership development and solidarity of our members will be driving force in our ability to continue to negotiate improvements. We shall continue to uphold, restore, and reset the standard that has kept ILWU Local 142 in the forefront of Hawaii’s Labor History through our membership participation in the work place, community and political arena. In the long run, our goal is to grow and to ensure that we save our members jobs so we all have a bright future.

I am proud to be an ILWU member and committed to serve the membership to the best of my ability.

Business Agent 
Jerrybeth De Mello

2010 year of the Tiger The past two years (2008 and 2009) have been the most devastating times I have seen since 9/11, in terms of reductions in workforce, furloughs, company shut downs, and layoffs. The unemployment line at the State building seems endless, and we begin to wonder, “what next?”

As an elected Full-time Officer of Maui Division since 1992, I have seen dramatic changes in the economy since those boom years, when the tourism industry offered great work opportunities.

Although we are dealing with difficult circumstances, we need to keep a positive outlook and continue to uphold the principles that have made our union—ILWU Local 142—a leader in Hawaii’s labor community, in our workplaces, and in the political arena. We must strive to promote active participation and education for ILWU members in order to develop solidarity within our union. This solidarity will be the driving force in all the endeavors we undertake.

With solidarity, we will be better able to negotiate good contracts as we move forward. This is the year of the TIGER— so let’s get aggressive (in a positive way) and take control of our work lives, and prosper!

Business Agent 
Teddy Espeleta

My name is Teddy B. Espeleta. I am serving my third term as Maui Division Business Agent. In my third term, I hope to continue to accomplish educating our members about the importance of being part of the ILWU and to continue to fight for the rights of our members.

896 Lower Main St.
Wailuku, HI 96793
PHONE: 244-9191
FAX: 244-7870

ILWU 142 Maui Division

Maui Division Clerks’ photos on page 8