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Local President 
Isaac Fiesta, Jr.

The Local Convention completed its work in September of 2009 and adopted programs that will guide us for the next three years. My goal is to carry out the work of the Convention and the Constitution and Bylaws of Local 142.

There are four areas I would like to address that the Convention adopted. One is the Longshore Division. Now, our brothers and sisters of the waterfront have their own division that will operate with full autonomy within the Local 142 and governed exclusively by its Longshore Division membership, as per Article XXXVII of the Constitution and Bylaws of Local 142.

The other area is the financial budget that the Convention adopted. As you know, the nation and our state are going through a steep economic downturn that has led to closures of companies represented by the ILWU, the loss of hours for workers, and companies asking for cuts in wages and benefits.

Our membership adopted a 1/2 percent increase in Local union dues. As your president, I will look at areas in the Local to cut costs of operation. As you know, the increase in dues will be used to get through this financial crisis and to continue to operate so our membership will be fully represented. This increase will not be used to give union officers any wage increases.

The other area that needs to be strengthened is our Organizing program. This is the life blood of our union. I have taken over the assignment of organizing for Local 142 and will work with International Vice President Hawaii Wesley Furtado and the five Divisions to step up the Local Organizing program. I am asking all of our membership to get involved so we can build this union.

There are other goals that I have for the next three years, and I will be working with the Local Executive Committee and Local Executive Board to achieve them. These goals are as follows: mobilize for better contracts; build the units; continue to educate unit officers and Full-Time Officers so we can represent our members better; improve teamwork within Local 142; continue to improve our Health and Welfare Fund and VEBA program; and work together to get through this financial crisis.

Political Action is another important area. This year is an election year for our Governor and Lieutenant Governor. The Local Political Action Committee has endorsed Mufi Hannemann for Governor and Colleen Hanabusa for the First Congressional House District. Other early endorsements are listed on Page 1.We are asking our membership to support all endorsed candidates.

Local Vice President 
Donna Domingo

The ILWU has been in the forefront in improving Wages, Benefits, and Working Conditions for working people.

The programs of the ILWU include Organizing, Negotiations, Servicing Members, and Political Action.

Your involvement and participation is important to preserve the quality of life that we all strive for. The heartbeat of the ILWU is its members.

We are a rank and file Union, with procedures that allow every member to vote for their leaders and to approve their union contract.

I’m proud to be a ILWU member. “An injury to one is an Injury to all.”

Local Sec.-Treasurer 
Guy Fujimura

The ILWU has been recognized historically as the single, most effective organization in bringing economic, social and political progress to Hawaii. Before the Union, Hawaii was considered a semi-feudal society dominated economically by five major inter-locked companies, known as the “Big Five”, that controlled everything. The Republican Party dominated politics and ran the Territorial government. The working class was considered “second class.”

The ILWU was in the forefront of challenging this status quo by organizing the workers on the docks, plantations and other industries. Workers won better pay and working conditions and the racial barriers that the employers used to divide them were broken down. Yes, the ILWU, our members and their families fought to improve conditions on the job, but they also raised the standard for the whole community. The ILWU fought for “bread and butter” issues, but also fought for justice and dignity and against discrimination.

The Union went on to also become politically active, so that gains made in the contract, would not be taken away through legislation. The Union wanted better worker benefit and protection laws, better schools, especially in the rural communities, access to health care and social services, and more opportunity for advancement for our children and their children, especially in higher education.

As we face this triennium, we have the goals of keeping our union safe and economically sound and to better service and protect our members and their families through difficult economic times. We believe that we need to leverage our ability to do this through effective political action. More importantly, we continue to recognize that the ILWU is at its best and most helpful to our members and their families when we provide the leadership in the continuing struggle of workers “ receive a fair and just return for their labor...”, “ be treated in a decent and respectful manner by the employer”, “to organize the unorganized..., “to assist other unions whenever possible in their resistance to attacks...”, and “to fight all violations of democracy, whether they be racial, religious or political...”; “we reject racial, religious, sex or political discrimination by anyone;” (from the ILWU DECLARATION OF PRINICPLES).

Meet Your Kauai Division Officers

Division Director 
Michael Machado

Thank you to all who supported me, and continue to support me, in the recent changes for the Kauai Division. As we all move forward during these economic times there are, and will be, many challenging issues to face. By pulling together as one, we all can get through these difficult times stronger and better than ever.

Business Agent 
Pam Green

Here Comes 2010… 

People say it will get worse, people say that will get better…the test will be to Stick Together !

Mahalo for the opportunity to serve as your Business Agent, Pamela Green

Business Agent 
Alan “King” Kimura

What I want to accomplish in my term of office: Strengthening and unification of my units would be instrumental for their successful future. Getting the units to be independently strong and knowledgeable would be beneficial, so that solidarity rules supreme. The crux of our existence is to strongly support the political endeavors that ensure our longevity and success, with the democratic process that has always been our strong point. The futurity of our existence is determined by the strength of our members.

Division Clerk 
MelissaLynn Ragasa

ILWU 142 Kauai Division 
4154 Hardy St. Lihue, HI 96766 PHONE: 245-3374 FAX: 246-9508