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L-R: Alanna Kuhn, Charles Chung, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Business Agent Wil Chang, Carissa Brown from Unit 4526 Alohilani Resort.

Oahu Division Pensioners with Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa L-R: Linda Dumlao, Hanabusa, Dorothy Sakamoto, Joanne Trask; front L-R: Esther Scharsch, Grace Nishigaya.

Local staff, officers, members and State Senator Jill Tokuda’s staff pose with Tokuda at the ILWU hall on Atkinson Drive on April 3, 2018. Before her run for lieutenant governor, Tokuda served as Chair of the Labor committee in the Senate.

The 2018 election year is in full swing with candidate banners flying through every neighborhood, and lately the ILWU halls have been a revolving doorway for politicians.

Why? Because the ILWU represents over 16,000 working men and women statewide, and the working class i.e. LABOR is a big chunk of the votes these politicians can get.

The ILWU Local 142 State PAC (Political Action Committee) has been interviewing candidates since March of this year to see who best fits the criteria of advocating for working people and have records we can trust. The Local PAC is made of representatives from all divisions.

(Please note that this year is not only an election year at the state, city and federal level, it’s also an election year within the ILWU Local 142, too! The Union is a democratic organization that has elections every three years -- see back page for union election info!)

The politicians pictured here with ILWU members, staff and pensioners have been selected for an early endorsement because of their commitment to the values of labor.

How to get involved 
Call your division to see how you can be a part of the ILWU Local 142 State PAC and get involved with the union’s political efforts.

Look out for future VOICE issues that will include endorsements for local statewide and citywide races.

We encourage you to vote for candidates who are likely to give the working class a seat at the table.

Senator Mazie Hirono greeting pensioners at an event on April 3, 2018.