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remove the right of collective bargaining for public and private workers from the State Constitution. 

Lingle and her Republicans claim to stand for fair wages, but every year they introduce “changes” like Senate Bill 626 and House Bill 906 which would lower wages and drive thousands of Hawaii workers into poverty conditions. These so-called “right to work” bills are designed to destroy labor unions by making it illegal to require paying union dues as a condition of employment. In states that have passed such laws, workers have the lowest standard of living and highest poverty levels in the nation. Business profits, however, are higher. 

The Republican idea of economic development and progress is to take care of private profit and private business and maybe some benefit will trickle down to working families. Hawaiian history tells us this is how the Republicans ruled Hawaii from 1900 until 1954. During this time, Hawaii was a society of a few fabulously wealthy people and many, many working families who barely made a living. Republicans passed laws that made it difficult or impossible for unions to organize. Under Republican rule, government’s main purpose was to serve business and run the police force that kept workers under control and protected the property and wealth of the elite.

In 1954, the Republicans were thrown out of power by the working people of Hawaii in a change so sudden and complete that it is sometimes referred to as the “democratic revolution.” In the years since, the people elected Democrats as the majority party because they shared a common vision of a more equitable society which placed people first.

Unlike the Republicans who used government to serve business, the Democrats expanded the role of government as the vehicle to provide many needed services to the public while continuing to promote business. The government built and operated schools, hospitals, parks, roads, bus systems, harbors, airports, fire and police protection, and more. In providing these services, government also became a major source of employment.

Unlike the Republicans who used government to control workers, the Democrats used government to regulate business and to protect the public interest. Democrats passed laws to enforce workers’ rights, to prevent polluting the environment, and to protect consumer rights.

The Democrats have a more balanced approach to government, which is why the ILWU is supporting the Democratic candidates—Mazie Hirono for Governor and Matt Matsunaga for Lt. Governor.