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at-will—When workers do not have union representation, they are considered to be “at-will” employees, who may be fired at any time—and for no reason.

Local Executive Board— The highest decision-making body of the union between Conventions. The Local Executive Board, also know as the LEB, is made up of representatives from Hawaii, Maui County, Kauai and Oahu Divisions, as well as industrial grouping representatives from longshore, sugar, pineapple, general trades, and tourism. ILWU trustees, Local Titled Officers, Division Directors, and International Executive Board members also sit on the LEB. The LEB meets quarterly (see meeting notice, page 1).

job security—Protection from “at-will” employment that is provided by a union contract. Workers may be disciplined or fired only for “just cause.”

jurisdiction—1) the limits or territory within which authority may be exercised; in the case of union jurisdiction, usually the limits or territory of a bargaining unit job. Example: The manager shouldn’t be watering the golf course, under our contract that is our jurisdiction

just cause—A legitimate and proper reason for termination or firing.

steward—A union member who represents co-workers in dealings with management. In the ILWU, stewards are rank-and-file members who volunteer or are elected to do the job.

Weingarten rights—your rights as a union member to representation in an investigatory interview. An investigatory interview is one in which an employee is questioned in order to get information that may lead to discipline, or an employee is asked to defend his/her conduct. Clip and save your union rights information (at right).

Definitions from Merriam-Webster online dictionary ( dictionary.htm), University of Hawaii Center for Labor Education and Research (http:// wein.html) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees mini dictionary (http://

For a wallet-sized card or business card, call your Business Agent (see numbers below).

Contacting the Union

If you cannot reach a unit officer or steward you can call your business agent at the ILWU Office on your island. Regular office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

If your business agent is not in the office, you should leave a message, a phone number and a time when you can be reached. If you have a serious problem, you should contact the union as soon as possible. There is a time limit on reporting any problem.