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In memory of Oahu Division’s Benito “Benny” Apostadiro

HONOLULU—Former Oahu business agent Benito “Benny” Apostadiro passed away on January 22, 2002, at the age of 76. Benny Apostadiro became a member of the ILWU when he got a job at the Ewa Plantation in 1954. Like almost all new sugar workers, Benny’s first job was on the poison gang, a crew that walked through the sugar fields and sprayed chemical to control the weeds. 

Valley of the Temples Memorial Park in Kaneohe is offering free webinars in July, August, and September 2021 on advanced planning for ILWU members

Submitted by admin on April 15, 2023

Even though the webinars are conducted by Valley of the Temples, ILWU members statewide may benefit from the presentation, which will include general information on topics such as:

• the decisions that need to be made when a death occurs;

• veteran’s benefits; and

• why advanced planning is important to our families.

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