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Over one thousand participate Multi-union celebration on Maui

Children’s activities included a train ride sponsored by Kimo Apana, bouncers, and fun games that were sponsored by the Hawaii State Teachers Association and run by HSTA members. 

Big Isle pensioners given a day of thanks

Hawaii Division held its Labor Day pensioner’s picnic on August 27 at Wailoa State Park. Two hundred pensioners from nine clubs attended the picnic, which is held every other year in Hilo. Big Island full-time officers prepared all the food, including beef from a cow donated by former Business Agent Herman Amaral.

Helping hurricane survivors? Not Bush —continued from page 1

Administration moved with incredible speed. Within hours after Hurricane Katrina made landfall, the Bush Administration was hard at work, taking care of big business while cutting wages and safety rules for working people.

More profits for the food industry

One day after Katrina made landfall, on August 30, Bush took care of his friends in the packaged food industry by changing the rules to allow the early entry of 2006 foreign sugar and the import of an additional 110,000 tons of Mexican refined sugar.

AFL-CIO plans future amid divisions

While the departure of a couple of major unions and the boycott of the AFL-CIO’s 50th anniversary convention by them and several others dominated the news coverage of the  event, a number of other significant and far-reaching actions by the remaining delegates eluded the national media’s reporting.

Meetings on Medicare Part D scheduled

The ILWU will hold meetings to provide information to pensioners and active members about the new Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit that begins enrollment on November 15 of this year. All Medicare beneficiaries are eligible for Medicare Part D.

How do you enroll? What kinds of plans are being offered? What if you already have a drug plan?
These questions and more will be answered at the meetings.

The union approach to safety on the job

Safety on the job is a big concern to every worker. A workplace can be full of hazards. Slippery floors, sharp objects, moving machinery, dangerous chemicals, heavy lifting, or contaminated air are just a few examples of workplace dangers.

Patterns of similarities point to workplace hazards —continued from page 1

You then look for patterns. A worker may think difficulty breathing or a skin rash are due to their personal health condition. A body mapping exercise may show that several workers in a particular department have the same difficulty breathing or workers who use a particular cleanser have the same skin rash. Such patterns of similar injuries usually point to a workplace hazard that needs to be eliminated.

ILWU Safety and Health Program

As a rank-and-file union, it is ILWU members who set the programs and policies of the union. They do this by sending their representatives to a special meeting—called a Convention—which is held every three years. The last Convention of ILWU Local 142 was held from September 15-19, 2003 in Honolulu. The next Convention will be held in September 2006.

A little slice of heaven on earth

KAILUA—Luana Hills Golf and Country Club is a stunning combination of lush rolling hills, 100 foot tall trees and dense tropical rain forest. The course layout is done in the “links” style, with undulating greens and tight fairways. According to its website, Luana Hills Golf and Country Club is “spectacular and somewhat difficult, yet beautiful.”

Coming soon . . . Medicare Part D

The new Medicare prescription drug benefit (also known as Medicare Part D) will start up on January 1, 2006. That's just six months away, but most Medicare beneficiaries know very little about the benefit or how to get it.

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