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Retirees win in C. Brewer case

Sugar and pineapple retirees from Olokele Sugar and Wailuku Agribusiness won a court settlement against C. Brewer which will give them $1.5 million dollars in compensation when the company terminated their life-time medical benefits. The ILWU took C. Brewer to court and paid the legal expenses as the case dragged on for over 18 months.

Mauna Kea Beach and Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel members unite

The ILWU negotiating committee members from both hotels worked hard on achieving a good settlement. From left to right: Nick Lopez, Pua Akamu, Paulsa Keeling, James Moeller, Syvell DeRego, Richard Baker Jr., Elmer Gorospe, Laine Ishikuro, Jonathan Botelho, Greg Gauthier and Frankie Pang.

HTH/Pacific Beach Hotel boycott spreads to Japan

Zenkowan, the All Japan Dockworkers Union, has voted to support the boycott of HTH Corporation’s Pacific Beach and Pagoda Hotel, because of the company’s unlawful opposition to their employees’ right to organize into the ILWU and negotiate a union contract

Presidents Report by Robert McEllrath, International President

Late last year, some hangman’s nooses appeared on the docks. The response from the ILWU was clear: Symbols of hate will not be tolerated in this union, period. Local leaders, the International Executive Board, and Coast Committee all moved quickly to adopt strong statements that condemned symbols of hate. Meetings were held with the PMA to discuss what happened and take action to prevent future incidents.

2007 ILWU Labor Institute educates and empowers union members

Over 110 rank and file ILWU members spent five days in Honolulu last October 15 to 19, 2007, attending the union's intensive leadership training institute. They learned how to build a stronger union on the job and in the community.

Voice of the ILWU


Del Beazley and friends leads the singing of “We Shall Not Be Moved” during Friday's graduation. It was a moving finale of another very successful ILWU education program.

Voice of the ILWU

Robert Schwartz talked about how unions can legally use rats, bannering, and pickets to put pressure on employers. Some unions will call attention to an unfair employer by inflating a large rat balloon in front of the company. Another tactic is to have a couple of people hold a 100 foot long banner urging the public to boycott a bad employer

Labor Institute aims at building stronger units-

Labor Institute - from page 6

Diane Thomas-Holladay showed how labor and the religious community can work together because they share common goals for justice and fairness. Diane (far right) shows how the very rich got the most benefit from George Bush's tax cut. The wealthy got enough money to buy new cars while working people barely got enough to buy a plate lunch.

In memory of Takeshi Kouchi

Takeshi Kouchi in 1959.

70th Anniversary of ILWU Longshore Charter

October 5, 2007 marked the 70th anniversary when ILWU longshore locals in Hawaii received their charters from the newly formed International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU).

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