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120 pensioners enjoy 24th biennial conference

About 120 representatives of the ILWU’s 20 pensioner clubs from all Divisions gathered on June 23-25 in Hilo for the 24th biennial conference of the ILWU State Pensioners Association. They heard from guest speakers, passed resolutions, and had a grand time seeing old friends and making new ones.

Regular health screening can save your life

Most medical plans provide for regular physical exams and health screenings. It’s a good idea to take advantage of this benefit.

Health screenings are done to prevent serious health problems and to detect disease early, when the disease is more easily cured.

Tests are done to determine the possible presence of a disease or other health problem. Health screenings are often done routinely as a preventive measure, or may be done when there is reason to suspect a particular health problem exists.

Voice of the ILWU

Negotiating Committee members from left to right: Robyn Tadio; SecretaryTheresa Cabulizan; Leanne Perez; Hawaii Division Director-Richard Baker; Business Agent-Elmer Gorospe; Unit Chair-Myra Spencer.

Lawmakers join picket of Pacific Beach Hotel owner HTH Corporation

Representatives Joe Souki, Tommy Waters, Della Belatti, Marcus Oshiro, Angus McKelvey, Hermina Morita, Marilyn Lee, Roy Takumi, Scott Nishimoto, Tom Brower, and Jon Riki Karamatsu joined the picketing of the Pacific Beach Hotel on May 2, 2008.

Why Barack Obama for president?

The ILWU International Executive Board endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President on February 28, concluding that he is “the best candidate for our union and for working families.”

Board members made their decision after an extensive process that involved interviewing the major campaigns and examining their positions on key issues that will impact ILWU members in the coming years. Republican Presidential candidates were not interviewed because they failed to address the key issues below, including:

Legislators call for justice for workers—continued from page 1

Representative Marcus Oshiro, “This sign (Together We Stand) says it all. We are one community of workers. We’re one community of people and we need to come together and stand as one because the labor union right here benefits all of us.

If they can get a fair contract; if they can sit down and get a fair deal with the Pacific Beach Hotel, it will benefit all of us, all our communities and all the constituents will see the benefits. So I encourage all of you workers out there, work hard and we’ll do what we can to support your efforts.”

History made the union—the union, in turn, made history

Jack Hall: His life and times

Few people in Hawaii know about Jack Hall, but a new video and a reissued book, will tell the story to a lot more people about this remarkable labor leader and the union he helped build, the ILWU.

Story of Jack Hall & ILWU now available

A new edition of A Spark Is Struck! Jack Hall and the ILWU in Hawaii by journalist Sanford Zalburg has just been reissued by Watermark Publishing at the urging of ILWU Local 142. Long out of print, this epic account of the birth and growth of the ILWU in Hawaii is filled with anecdotes and details about Hall and our union. The new edition uses a larger type style and better photo reproduction than the original, greatly enhancing the quality and readability of the thick volume.

Hawaii Division Unit Recognition

HILO—Hawaii Division recognized their outstanding units at their annual recognition night banquet on February 16, 2008. The best small unit award with 1-29 members went to Unit 1419- A&B Fleet Services. Unit 1412 - Yamada Diversified Corporation won the best mid-size unit award with 30-99 members.

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