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U.S. military spending tops $400 billion a year

While most nations have reduced their military spending—including Russia, which has cut its military spending from $300 billion in 1988 to $45 billion today—the U.S. continues to divert vast sums of our tax dollars to increase military spending. The 2003 military budget of $414 billion is almost equal to the $451 billion that the rest of the world combined spends on defense, and 18 times more than the $22 billion spent by China.

The Problem of Undeclared Wars

Since taking office in January 2001, George W. Bush has led the U.S. into two wars—the war against Afghanistan and the war against Iraq.

SARS and your workplace: What you need to know

Are ILWU members in the healthcare and hotel industry at a greater risk of catching SARS? There are some risks
and ILWU members should know the basic precautions and safety protections to avoid catching SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).

SARS: Healthcare workers may need to take some precautions

A large percentage of the early SARS cases have been healthcare workers who treated SARS patients before infection control precautions, such as using gloves and respirators, were instituted. Once precautions were taken, however, there were very few secondary infections and the disease was contained.

Oahu Division thanks outstanding units and members

HONOLULU—Oahu Division held its annual unit recognition awards night on February 21, 2003 after its Division Executive Board (DEB) meeting. The DEB meeting was the first held in the newly renovated ILWU union hall at 451 Atkinson Drive.

According to Division Director Raymond Camacho, the awards are a way of “recognizing the volunteerism of units and members that is so vital to the union’s success.”

Hawaii longshore approves new contract


ILWU longshore members on Oahu hold a stop work ratification meeting on January 31. The longshore negotiating committee (left) explains the terms of the contract before members vote.

Planning for our convention and future

The ILWU will hold its 32nd International Convention this year in San Francisco from April 28-May 2. The delegates you have elected from your locals will be entrusted with setting the direction our union will take in the next three years.

Labor solidarity is more important than ever

Attack on our nation’s transportation workers

The year 2002 will become a major part of the ILWU legend. Looking back, it is difficult to fathom how the ILWU remains strong given the array of forces lined up to destroy this union.

Hawaii Division applauds outstanding units

HILO—Gusty winds and heavy rain failed to dampen the spirits of several hundred Hawaii Division members and retirees who packed the ILWU Hall in Hilo for a night of fellowship, tasty food, and hot music on February 15, 2003. They gathered
for the 26th Annual Recognition Night to celebrate and a select group of ILWU units for their outstanding contributions to their membership and to the trade union movement.

Secretary of Labor Chao angers union leaders

HOLLYWOOD, Fl (PAI)—Labor Secretary Elaine Chao thought she had an open and honest session with the nation’s union leaders Feb. 26. Putting it mildly, they disagreed.

After the closed-door meeting the conservative Republican Labor Secretary held with the AFL-CIO Executive Council in Hollywood, Fla.,federation President John J. Sweeney took to the press conference podium and called the session “unbelievable.”

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