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HSI Clericals succeed in getting first contract

Front L-R: Unit Secretary-Treasurer Kanani Numata, Unit Vice Chair Chris Nakama, Unit Chair Kimberley Goo. Back L-R: Jeff “Ronny Jr.” Mueller, Business Agent Dennis Morton, International Field Representative Dustin Dawson.


AQ doing what she did galvanizing speeches. She is pictured here giving a fiery speech that earned a standing ovation at the 32nd ILWU International Convention in 2003.

...If you don’t know, you better ask somebody... 

This is someone to be proud of when you think of ILWU history; this is part of your labor legacy.

Oahu beats Big Island for Basketball State Championship


KALAHEO — The 39th Annual State Basketball Tournament was held on May 18, 2019 at Kalaheo Gym on Kauai.

This year the state tournament was held in May instead of December. Maui Division was unable to get a team because of the timing, but all other divisions participated with Kauai competing with an extra team.

Aloha New Members! Welcome to the ILWU Local 142!

If you are a new member reading this, welcome to the ILWU Local 142! With over 18,000 members statewide, the ILWU Local 142 is the biggest private-sector union in Hawaii. ILWU Local 142 members work in every major industry such as pineapple, tourism, longshore, transportation, service sector and hospitals. Continue reading the Voice to learn more information about joining our `ohana!

What is Local 142?

As a new member, you are now part of a growing family of over 18,000 members strong. You are part of a long and proud tradition where workers organize to promote fairness and justice on the job. Your membership with the ILWU Local 142 is just the beginning of an exciting journey that will allow you to collectively bargain for improved working conditions.

Your Union Contract — What is it?

Your union contract is a written agreement with your employer. It defines your wages, benefits, conditions of employment, and rights on the job. It is enforceable through a grievance procedure and ultimately in a court of law

Most union contracts are renegotiated every three years, although some contracts run for only one year and others run for as long as six years. How long the contract runs is up to you and your negotiating committee. The ILWU is a democratic union and members are involved in every step of the negotiating process.

Honoring and Remembering Local 142 Contract Administrator, Michael Murata

Quiet, but effective. Most who knew Michael Murata would note his unassuming nature and strong work ethic.

The ILWU is deeply grateful to Michael and his ‘ohana for their contributions and sacrifices over 20 years of service to the union. His work to create the foundation of the Contract Administration Department serves as his legacy. Local 142 continues to benefit from his groundwork. We will miss his wisdom, dedication and gentle nature. Rest in Aloha.

Through Thick and Thin at Island Movers

HONOLULU — The ILWU is a union that values its members. The union is only as strong as its members, and thankfully Local 142 has members who have longevity within the organization.

Unit 4409 Island Movers has two members who have over 80 years combined of union membership between them. Island Movers is one of the only moving companies in Hawaii that is unionized.

Anchor Steam Workers Vote Overwhelmingly to Join ILWU

On March 13, production workers at San Francisco’s Anchor Steam brewery made history by voting to join the ILWU – becoming one of the first craft breweries to go union. The margin was 31-16 but the numbers increased two days later when service workers at the Anchor Public Taps voted 6-2 for the union. The victory capped-off a year of quiet organizing that went public on February 7, when 39 workers signed a letter telling the company they wanted a union.

Oahu Division Takes State Basketball Championship

KONA — The 38th Annual State Basketball Tournament was held on December 8, 2018 at Kekuaokalani Gym on the Big Island.

Hawaii Division, as state champions for the past two years, defended their title on their home turf and served as the host for the event.

Representative teams from all Divisions - Hawaii, Kauai, Maui and Oahu - showed up with excitement and good-natured, competitive spirits.

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