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Housekeeper wages around the world

Have you ever wondered about the wages earned by hotel workers in other countries?

A website at http://www.worldsalaries. org/ shows you the salaries earned by different occupations in countries around the world.

The comparisons are based on the money it would take to have a similar standard of living. This is called purchasing power parity. There are also comparisons for teachers, doctors, and other occupations.

Local 142 elects new officers

Union-wide elections held in November 2012 elected the top officers who will direct the work of the union for the next three years. Elected are 27 full-time officers, 13 rank-and-file members to the Local Executive Board, and 14 Delegates to the ILWU International Convention. The election results were announced on November 20, 2012, but candidates filed six challenges to the election. An ILWU Judicial Panel has ruled on challenges to the election results, and those decisions must be carried out before the results are final.

Incumbent Titled Officers will serve again

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) confirmed the September 6, 2012 results of the ILWU’s officers’ election. The results stand as official as there were no challenges to the election received by the September 13, 2012 deadline as provided under Rule 17.A of the union’s election rules.

The ILWU International Balloting Committee reported the results of the election after ballots were counted and tabulated at a meeting held on September 6, 2012 at the Holiday Inn Hotel in San Francisco, California.

Voice of the ILWU

The following was presented by Convention guest speaker Lowell Chun-Hoon. Chun-Hoon is a partner of the law firm King, Nakamura and Chun-Hoon, which has defended the union and union members since the 1940s.

26th Convention Report—continued from page 5

reduces the expense of middlemen such as HMSA. The Trust Fund allows us to set the cost of medical for several years, so the hotels know exactly how much they must pay. With HMSA, the hotels have no idea how much their medical plans will increase each year. The ILWU Local 142 will continue to educate the members about the Health & Welfare and encourage units to negotiate this Fund into their contracts.

Working class wins with Obama victory

American voters sent a loud and clear message that they support President Obama’s and the Democratic Party’s policies and rejected the Republican Party’s philosophy and programs.

Injured on the job? File a Claim for Workers’ Com

You’re climbing the stairs at work, miss a step and fall, twisting your ankle. Is that a work injury? You feel a twinge in your back lifting a full box of computer paper. Is that a work injury? You’re walking down a hallway at your company and, as you turn a corner, you bump into a co-worker and fall, hitting your head on the floor. Is that a work injury?

The answer is YES to all of these questions. Any time you become injured at work, it is a work injury and you should report it to your employer right away.

Notice of ILWU Local 142 Election

This issue of the Voice of the ILWU is your official notice of the 2012 ILWU Local 142 Election. It contains the positions and candidates who will appear on the ballot and the dates, times and locations of voting for your unit. This issue also contains statements and photographs submitted by candidates.

Voice of the ILWU

Local President

Local President Candidate 
Sheldon Biga

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