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Maui Division Candidates

Business Agent Candidate 
Roberto “Bobby” Andrion

My Brothers and Sisters of the ILWU Local 142 This last Triennium we embarked on a journey that has taken us to a roller coaster ride of uncertainty in our daily endeavors. This ride of ups and downs has amounted to immeasurable growth and experience in my life, not only as your Business Agent, but as a person.

MAUI DIVISION & HAWAII LONGSHORE DIVISION - Maui Polling Dates, Times and Locations


26th ILWU Convention—continued from page 1

the union, on the International level, calling for continued support.

Voice of the ILWU

his nomination, he requested a special privilege to speak. It was granted on the condition that it answered whether he accepted or denied his nomination. Medeiros expressed to the Convention, given the three nominations, he does not feel right about “splitting the union.” Medeiros did not accept his nomination to serve as Vice President.

ILWU members help Hawaii’s communities when they vote for worker-friendly candidates. Don’t forget to vote on Nov. 6!

2012 Election At-A-Glance

General Election Registration Deadline: Oct. 8, 2012
General Election Absentee Application by: Oct. 30, 2012
General Election: Nov. 6, 2012

Voter Information:

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