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9 reasons why unions are good for the community, good for business, and good for workers

1. Unions are the only organization in our society that stands up for the interest of working people. There are many different kinds of organizations in our community such as social clubs, sports leagues, churches, interest groups, and political parties. Unions are the only organizations that advance the interests of working people.

How negotiations work in the ILWU

Contract negotiations is a good example of ILWU democracy in action.

Unit members meet to propose changes to their union contract and elect members to their negotiating committee. The union negotiating committee should include members from different departments and job classifications. While committee members may come from different departments or jobs, they should work for a contract that is best for the entire membership.

Voice of the ILWU

How can YOU support your union?

Union members can do their part in supporting their union. Specifically each member should:

1. Know the terms of the contract so that they can recognize violations by the employer and help other workers learn about the contract. 

2. Call all violations of the contract to the attention of their union steward or business agent. 

Getting help and contacting your Union

If you want more information about your union or union contract; if you have a problem on the job; if you want to become more involved with your union, the first person you should talk with is your union steward or unit officer.

Unit officers and stewards are elected by the members of your unit to help their fellow union members on the job.

They serve as volunteers and receive no extra pay or special privileges. Their names should be posted on the union bulletin board.

Vote for union endorsed candidates

2014 election at-a-glance

Primary election deadlines and dates
Primary voter registration: July 10, 2014 
Early walk-in voting: July 28, 2014 - August 7, 2014 
Primary absentee application: August 2, 2014 
Primary election: August 9, 2014

Statewide Longshore Caucus lays groundwork for new contract

HONOLULU – The Hawaii Longshore Division Caucus was held at the ILWU hall on 451 Atkinson Drive on March 27-28, 2014. Unit 4201 (Longshore) and Unit 4209 Young Brothers met two additional days from March 31-April 1, to complete unfinished business. This was the first Hawaii Longshore Division Caucus and it was attended by 68 delegates and observers representing all the longshore units in the state. They included Longshore, Wharf Clerks, Maintenance, CY/CFS, Wharf Clerical, Young Brothers, and Bulk Sugar Units.

ILWU early endorsements for candidates who support working families

The ILWU Local Political Action Committee (PAC) in meetings held on December 12, 2013 and February 21, 2014 made the following early endorsements:

Statewide Longshore Caucus continued from page 1

credit, but more importantly, on the time frame of implementation. The Senate’s version calls for annual raises to $10.00 to be completed by 2017, whereas the House’s version calls for the raises to be completed by 2018. The governor said “that it should be done ASAP, not five years from now.”

The governor went on to state, “your members have the faith and trust of you fellow workers to represent them. We must stand together or we’ll be picked off one by one as anti-union interests have plenty of money to offset union gains. The only way to defeat them is through solidarity.”

5 reasons to be active in political action

From the very beginning, the ILWU has always proclaimed that the union and every union member must be actively involved in the political life of the community. Political action had to be one of  the primary activities of the union. Political action was just as important as negotiating contracts for better wages and benefits; and political action was just as necessary  as organizing new workers into the union. There are five reasons why the  union and every ILWU member must be involved in political action.

Hawaii Division Recognition Awards Banquet

(Above left) President Clyde Silva of The Pahala Pensioner Club, recruited the most new members in 2013, speaks in front of the five-member band “Makanau,” who provided the evening’s entertainment. (Above right) Mauna Kea Beach Hotel steward and emcee Tristie Licoan addresses the attendees.

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