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Highlights of the 27th ILWU Local 142 Convention

ILWU democracy puts the members in charge of their union. They do this by meeting in convention to decide the policies and programs of the union, set the finances and budget, and make all other rules which govern the union. The Convention is the highest governing body of the union. It is held once every three years in the month of September.

No other union has embraced democracy to the same degree as the ILWU.

The highest authority in the Union is the rank-and-file membership as they determine the policies and direction of the Union.

All officers are accountable to the membership.

Portions of this report were adapted from the International Convention Report prepared for The Dispatcher.

Convention Report, continued from page 2

President’s address 
ILWU International President Robert McEllrath began by introducing his family and welcoming the delegates. Then he acknowledged the contributions of his fellow officers, Vice Presidents Ray Familathe and Wesley Furtado, Secretary-Treasurer Willie Adams, and Coast Committeemen Ray Ortiz, Jr., and Leal Sundet.

Convention Report, continued from page 3

Panama Division
 International solidarity within the ranks of the ILWU has resulted in continued growth in the new Panama Division. The connection between the ILWU and Panama Canal Pilots Union began during the 2002 lockout, when the ILWU longshore negotiating committee was seeking international support and met Londor Rankin of the Panama Canal Pilots Union.

Convention Report, continued from page 4

them to sign. With online applications, the union has to rely on friends and family to contact the workers that are hired. Organizers must sign up at least 70-80% of the workers to ensure a safe margin to overcome the company’s anti-union campaign. He concluded by recognizing the organizing team of Local 142, which he said was doing an outstanding job.

Convention Resolutions

Unit 4526 - Pacific Beach Hotel member Kohry Mulkey spoke on the resolution celebrating Pacific Beach Hotel workers’ contract victory after a ten-year struggle. Mulkey talked about his personal experiences during the organizing and contract fight, and thanked convention delegates for their support. Three Pacific Beach Hotel workers attended the convention—their first as ILWU members.

Convention Resolutions—continued

The Northern California Warehouse Master Contract is set to expire in 2017. This resolution affirms continued support from the ILWU International in the upcoming negotiations in 2017 and advocates for legislation and regulations that provides secure retirement security.

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