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Please support candidates who support working people

The General Election is coming up on Tuesday, November 8. Don’t forget to vote!

Hawaii Longshore supervisors organize a union

Members of the newly formed ILWU Local 100 gather at Local 142’s Hale Hapaiko meeting room.

The pensioner picnic—a Kauai Division tradition

On a sunny day in July (despite Tropical Storm Darby), Kauai Division held its annual pensioner picnic, which brought together almost 200 pensioners from five ILWU pensioner clubs for food, fun, and fellowship.

Celebrating Labor Day and Labor Unity on Oahu

Hawaii Longshore Division hosts get-together for members and families

HONOLULU—The ILWU Local 142 Hawaii Longshore Division (HLD) held a Labor Day event at the Keehi Lagoon DAV Hall on Monday, September 9, 2016. The HLD has been rotating its Labor Day activity to different geographical Divisions in order to give all of its members a chance to enjoy a get-together celebrating longshore industry workers, their families, and the pensioners who helped to improve longshore contracts and make waterfront ILWU units strong.

Kauai Division storms through the state golf competition

ILWU golf is now a team sport, and the 2016 first place team from Kauai was (left to right) Erwin Ramos, Tyson Moises, Carl Oliver, and Robert Abigania from Unit 3511 - The Grand Hyatt Kauai.

State Constitutional Amendments and County Charter Amendments

What are all these questions on my ballot?

Consider the dense sections of text that Hawaii voters sometimes see on their general election ballots—the questions on state constitutional amendments or county charter amendments.

How many of us rush through them, guessing what position to take—and how many of us just ignore them all together?

Politics affects us every day

The people we elect into office make decisions that directly affect our lives.

Politics made a difference for ILWU members at Pacific Beach Hotel.

In 2008, Americans elected Democrat Barack Obama as President. As a result, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)—whose members are presidential appointees—had more members who supported working people. (Under the previous Republican administration, the majority of NLRB members supported business interests.)

ILWU endorses candidates who defend the rights of working people

U.S. Representative District 1 candidate Colleen Hanabusa spent time with ILWU members’ and employees’ children when she participated in an Oahu Division Executive Board Family Night in 2014. Hanabusa has deep roots in Hawaii and shares the political and social views that have made the ILWU a progressive and forward looking union.

Coast Longshore Division Caucus convenes for historic meeting in Panama

The Coast Longshore Division held its caucus in Panama from April 18-22. The historic meeting demonstrated the strong bonds of solidarity between the newly formed Panama Canal Division of the ILWU and the Longshore Division. The event drew substantial media interest from Panamanian press.

Hawaii Longshore Division

The Hawaii Longshore Division shares their phone number with the main switchboard of the Honolulu ILWU Hall. Longshore members should ask for the Longshore Division. Executive Secretary Lynette Mau will direct you to your business agent or take a message. You can also phone or email your business agent after hours. Your unit chair usually has the business agent’s cell phone number and email. Business agents are required to carry their union supplied cell phone and to be available during reasonable hours seven days a week.

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