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Election season is upon us!

2018 is a big election year in Hawaii. Politics and unions have always gone hand in hand. Politicians could never get very far in elections without union endorsements. Union members provide invaluable support and manpower to the candidates’ campaigns, and not to mention contibute votes through our membership. With the upcoming election year, politicians have been appealing to ILWU members in hopes of the union’s favor.

Kauai dominates at statewide golf tournament

KAUAI — Over 40 golfers from all divisions gathered on the beautiful and challenging courses at Hokuala and Poipu Bay on September 2-3, 2017.

The 64th ILWU State Golf Tournament was a great opportunity for fellowship and camaraderie amongst the divisions.

“Some are there just to have fun, others to compete, but sports are always such a great opportunity for connecting with others in the union,” said Kauai Division Director Pamela Green.

Voice of the ILWU

Unit 3201 Nawiliwili Stevedores (Kauai): L-R Kaylene Rita, Sean Jardin, Jeffrey Thomas.

Unit 4404 Pepsi (Oahu) L-R: Ryan Kauweloa, Earl Ahlo, Gaylen Teraoka, Blaine Kahalewai.

Union `ohana enjoy annual Kauai pensioner picnic

LIHUE — Over 100 pensioners and their families gathered at the Kauai Division Hall on September 2, 2017 for their annual Labor Day celebration. The pensioners show us what life is all about: togetherness, connection and engagement. As you get older, you realize what really matters. “No matter what, life goes on,” said Ben Callejo, a former planter and welder at McBryde Sugar Co., in attendance with his wife Juanita and granddaugther Jazmen. Thank you to the Kauai Division for holding this event, especially Division Director Pamela Green and Business Agent Calvin Corpuz and his family.

Friends old and new make the Big Island pensioner picnic a success

HILO — On August 26, 2017, pensioners from all eight Big Island pensioner clubs attended their annual Labor Day Celebration. Festivities included performances and prizes, with those in attendance enjoying the camaraderie and fellowship.

ILWU officer election will be conducted by mail ballot in 2018

ILWU Local 142 members have the power to decide how the union will be run by choosing leaders who best represent them—and members exercise this power by voting for statewide and Division officers in the union’s Local Election which is held every three years. The Local Election is a crucial part of union democracy, and Local 142 always looks for ways to improve active participation in its democratic processes.

Ok ladies, now let’s get inFORMATION!

...organizing, leadership and sisterhood at the Summer Institute for Union Women on inside!

Rank-and-file union women attended the Summer Institute for Union Women to learn and bring back knowledge to their units. “Without units there would be no union! We all need to understand the importance of the union,” said Noelani Rasmussen, Unit 1515 Fairmont Orchid Hawaii.

LEAD training aims to strengthen a rankand-file union

A diverse group of 100 rank-andfile members and elected leaders attended the ILWU’s Leadership, Education and Development (LEAD) training in Seattle on May 7-12. The week-long education program seeks to provide tools that attendees can take back to their local unions that will encourage new leadership and more membership involvement -- both fundamental tenants of the ILWU belief that strong unions are built from the bottom-up.

Union Political Action Success

Grant-in-aid for Hamakua Health Center

“What have you done for me lately?”

People ask this question of politicians all the time. It is easy to grow cynical and weary of politicians, especially in the era of Trump.

However, there is still reason to hope because action can still be taken at a state level working with Hawaii’s local politicians.

Ladies inFORMATION -- continued from page 1

HONOLULU -- “I asked her why she was quitting,” said Jane Templin, an electrician from Washington attending the Summer Institute for Union Women.

I said, ‘Do you not like your job?’
She said, ‘No, I love it.’
‘Then why are you quitting?’ I asked.
‘My dad said he would rather me be a prostitute than a construction worker because at least that’s a woman’s job.”

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