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Your union contract—what is it?

Your union contract is a written agreement with your employer. It defines your wages, benefits, conditions of employment, and rights on the job. It is enforceable through a grievance procedure and ultimately in a court of law.

Most union contracts are renegotiated every three years, although some contracts run for only one year and others run for as long as six years. How long the contract runs is up to you and your negotiating committee. The ILWU is a democratic union and members are involved in every step of the negotiation process.

What does a union do?

As a member of the ILWU Local 142, you are part of a long and proud tradition where workers join or form organizations for their mutual benefit and to promote fairness and justice on the job. These organizations are called unions.

In Hawaii one out of every four workers are members of a labor union. There are 21,000 ILWU members on all major islands in Hawaii, which make the ILWU one of the largest unions in the state. ILWU members work in every major industry including: tourism, longshore, sugar, pineapple, manufacturing, transportation, and healthcare.

How to survive the economic crisis

If you’ve been temporarily laid off, are working fewer hours, or lost your job, you will probably be forced to change your life style and be prepared to live with less income for the next six months or even longer. The economy may pick up later this year, or it may take longer before we recover from this recession. There is a lot you can do to help you and your family survive tough economic times.

Oahu Division honors their workplace heroes

The six Memorial Parks were named the Outstanding Small Units of the year. Accepting the award are: Abeleen Lau (Diamond Head Memorial Park) and James Toma (Mililani Memorial Park, pictured with Business Agent Larry Ruiz (l).

Proven techniques to increase your tips - Part 3

Are you a tipping category hotel worker? Do you want to increase your tipping income by 10 to 30 percent?

Yes? Then read Michael Lynn’s “Mega Tips: Scientifically Tested Techniques to Increase Your Tips.” Lynn explains 14 methods that are proven to increase your tips. 

Prof. Lynn has given us permission to reprint a few of his tips in each issue of the Voice In the Nov-Dec 2008 issue we printed Tip #7 - Repeat Customer’s Order and #11 Smile. 

Young Brothers settle strong contract; build union pride

Young Brothers Ltd. Honolulu port members listen carefully to a report on their tentative agreement before voting overwhelming to accept the settlement on February 27, 2009.

ILWU scores victory for mistreated mariners

Solidarity and action by ILWU members in Hawaii helped score a Christmas-time victory for a group of exploited merchant mariners late last year. The crew of 20 from the small tanker, Japan Tuna #3, arrived at the islands after a lengthy voyage deep into the tropical Pacific where their ship provides fuel and supplies for a commercial tuna fishing fleet that remains at sea for months at a time.

2009 ILWU legislative priorities set

ILWU union political action will focus on passing legislation in five areas during the 2009 Legislative Session. The top priority will be the passage of an Employee Free Choice Act for union recognition. This came close to passing in 2008 but failed to get enough support to override Governor Lingle’s veto.

Understanding what caused the economic crisis

Government regulation and oversight of the banking and investment industry could have prevented the economic crisis. Instead, Bush and the Republicans dismantled any effective regulation of the financial industry. They continue to believe less government and less regulation is good.

Most unionized workers have pension plans that are insured and guaranteed by the federal government, through the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).

A Celebration of Ah Quon McElrath

ILWU longshoreman and union organizer Joe “Blurr” Kealalio, actor, singer, and trade union activist Paul Robeson, and Ah Quon in 1948.

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