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Zenkowan Conference and 100 unionists support Pacific Beach Hotel workers

The boycott against HTH and the Pacific Beach Hotel continues with strong support from Japanese unions. International Vice-President Hawaii Wesley Furtado and Local 142 Secretary-Treasurer Guy Fujimura went to Japan from September 6-10, 2011, to attend the National Convention of Zenkowan and rallies arranged by the Japan supporters of the Pacific Beach Hotel boycott campaign. One rally was attended by 94 leaders from various Japan unions. They showed video recordings of some of the Pacific Beach Hotel workers thanking the Japanese unions for their support.

Japan dockers rebuild after disaster

The National Federation of Dockworkers’ Unions of Japan (Zenkoku-Kowan) presented this report to update supporters and donors on the relief and reconstruction efforts by Japanese dock workers.

Our country has been badly affected by the big earthquake and tsunami on March 11 and subsequent nuclear accidents at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

US bosses run the workplace like dictators

There is a wide-spread belief that the United States is a democratic, free, and fair country. Most Americans also mistakenly believe that these rights, spelled out in the U.S. Constitution, also protects them on the job. They are mistaken because these Constitutional rights only apply to government and does not apply to private employers at their place of business.

Worker democracy is the law in many countries

“Worker involvement in company decision-making strengthens a democratic, social and competitive Europe,” this is the main conclusion of the worker-participation website run by the European Trade Union Instititute. The following information comes from their website.

U.S. Billionaires made their wealth in finances

Forbes Magazine has compiled a list of the world’s billionaires for the last 25 years. Their list for 2011 contained 1,210 people from 55 countries. The United States had the largest number of billionaires with 413; followed by China with 115 (this does not include 36 billionaires from Hong Kong). Russia came in third place with 101 billionaires, followed by India with 55 and Germany with 52.

ILWU supports Lanai wind project

ILWU members held signs and marched showing their support of the wind power project on Lanai during a Public Utilities Commission visit to the island for the review of the Young Brothers freight increase on July 26. Over 200 members urged the PUC to put the wind project on their agenda.

Big Island and Kauai Pensioner Picnics

Posing with their son Clyde Silva, an officer of the Pahala ILWU Pensioners Club, are the Big Island’s longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. George Silva. They were married October 25, 1947 and are also members of the Pahala Club. The Labor Day Pensioners Picnic was held at ILWU Hilo Hall on August 27, 2011. The retirees enjoyed live entertainment, games, raffles, dancing and a box lunch.

NLRB hands big victory to ILWU and Pacific Beach Hotel workers

National Labor Relations Board orders HTH management to obey the law.

ILWUrank-and-filemembers fromtheHonoluluStar-Advertiser, ILWULocalExecutiveBoardmembers andsupporters fromthe30thWesternRegionalSummerInstitute forUnionWomenralliedonJune 17,2011tocallforHTHmanagement to stop the delays and injustices to workers of the Pacific Beach Hotel.

Workers make gains through political action

The 2011 Session of Hawaii’s State Legislature was preoccupied with trimming $1.2 billion from the cost of operating the state’s government, but a number of important laws were passed which will benefit workers.

NLRB finds Pacific Beach Hotel discriminated against employees, bargained in bad faith

Reinstatement, bargaining, and payment of union’s bargaining expense ordered

The National Labor Relations Board, in a 3-0 decision issued on Tuesday June 14, 2011, found that the Pacific Beach Hotel (HTH Corp.), violated the National Labor Relations Act in numerous respects—the latest episode in a 10-year effort by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) to secure a collective bargaining agreement for approximately 500 employees at the prominent Waikiki lodging.

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