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Oahu Division 
Director Candidate: 


Oahu Division 
Business Agent 
Candidate: KARL LINDO

Congratulations, 2018 Bouslog Scholarship Recipients!

The Bouslog Labor Scholarship was established by the first female labor and civil rights attorney in Hawaii, Harriet Bouslog. She established this scholarship in 1989 to benefit ILWU Local 142 members and their families.

This year, there were 25 admitted recipients across all divisions. Congratulations to them, and we wish continued success to the current 52 total participants in the program.

participants in the program. The scholarship is now extended to graduate school if participants should choose to continue their education.

Voice of the ILWU

Spread the word, union brothers and sisters!

Any ILWU member or retiree with a relative going to UH is eligible for scholarships!

Vote for union endorsed candidates

Donna Kim at a Local 142 press conference on June 22.

IMPORTANT DATES AT-A-GLANCE: Primary Election: August 11, 2018

General Election Registration Deadline: October 9, 2018

Late Registration and Early Walk In Voting: October 23 - November 3, 2018 (see for locations)

The next chapter begins now: ILWU’s 37th Convention in Portland

The ILWU’s 37th Convention met in Portland, Oregon on June 4-8. A total of 349 delegates and 40 fraternal delegates attended, along with up to 100 observers who witnessed the triannual meeting. The ILWU convention is the union’s highest decisionmaking body that meets every three years to democratically set policy, program, and consider changes to the ILWU Constitution.

37th Convention in Portland, cont.

on the convention floor, proposed resolutions had to first win support from a majority of local union members at home, or a majority of local union delegates attending the convention. Then each resolution was thoroughly explained, debated, amended and subject to a vote in one of the committees before finally reaching the convention floor where it faced further debate and a final vote by the delegates. In order to consider all of the proposed resolutions, some committees met late into the night in order to finish their work.

37th Convention in Portland, cont.

of British seafarers and the need for their own version of America’s Jones Act, the US law that protects domestic shipping industry. 

He said the number of British seafarers will continue to decline through attrition and added that the threat of automated ships could reduce the number of seafarers even further.

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