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OAHU DIVISION—Polling Dates, Times and Locations (cont.)

25th ILWU Convention —continued from page 1

Membership meetings will be held to give members a report of what happened at the Convention and to ratify the Convention actions. A secret ballot vote is required to approve the dues increase and constitutional amendments.

Convention adopts policy to promote the VEBA Trus

After a lively debate, the 25th Convention adopted a resolution to support and promote the VEBA Trust for retiree medical benefits. The Trust was started by the union in 2005.

ILWU units must vote to join the program and pay the $3 a month contribution on behalf of their members. The $3 comes out of the unit fund. Members are also encouraged to make additional “supplemental contributions” on their own, which will increase their benefit when they retire.

Units which have not yet joined the program may still vote to join the VEBA Trust.

Voice of the ILWU

Notice of Primary Election at Local 142 Convention

Highlights of the 34th International Convention

ILWU democracy is unique among American unions in that rank-and-file members make the policies that direct the work of their International union. They do this once every three years at a five-day Convention which was held this year in Seattle, Washington from June 8 - 12, 2009.

Policies Adopted by the 34th Convention

Constitutional Amendments 
C-1 Convention Locations - updates the rotation of the Convention to the seven areas of the ILWU: Southern California Area - 2012; Hawaii Area - 2015; Oregon/Columbia River Area - 2018; Northern California Area - 2021; ILWU Canada - 2024; Washington/Puget Sound/Alaska - 2027; Southern California Area - 2030.

Voice of the ILWU

International President 
Robert “Big Bob” McEllrath

Voice of the ILWU

International Secretary-Treasurer 
Willie Adams, Local 23

Proven techniques to increase your tips, Part 5

Are you a tipping category hotel worker? Do you want to increase your tipping income by 10 to 30 percent? Yes? Then read Michael Lynn’s “Mega Tips: Scientifically Tested Techniques to Increase Your Tips.” Lynn explains 14 methods that are proven to increase your tips. Prof. Lynn’s has given us permission to reprint a few of his tips in each issue of the Voice of the ILWU. “Mega Tips” can be freely downloaded from: LynnMegaTipsFinal.pdf.

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