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Members of Dole Food Company ratify new contract

HONOLULU—Dole Food Company workers numbering 213 ILWU members are now covered by a new three-year agreement which goes in to effect on October 1, 2014 and expires on September 30, 2017.

Chief union spokesperson Dillon Hullinger says that the settlement calls for a 5% pay increase, to be paid out in increments of 1.5% effective October 1, 2014, 1.5% effective October 1, 2015 and 2% effective October 1, 2016.

Labor Day is not just another holiday- t is a day when we celebrate the labor movement in Hawaii and America

Oahu Labor Day brings union families together

HONOLULU—Music filled the air on a sunny Monday at the Hawaii Labor Unity Picnic at the Waikiki Shell on Labor Day, September 1, 2014. More than 3,000 union members and their families enjoyed the afternoon filled with games, ono food and numerous prize giveaways of Foodland gift certificates and VISA gift cards.

The delicious food was provided by Sumo Drive Inn & Catering.

Support your community— give to the United Way!

The United Way has been a part of our community for decades. Their workplace giving campaigns have raised millions of dollars over the years to support nonprofits throughout Hawaii that provide services to so many in our community. But how many of you realize the role that the ILWU played in establishing this fundraising organization?

Johnson Control takes first place in Oahu fishing tournament

HONOLULU—The 20th Annual Oahu Division Fishing Tournament was held August 23-24, 2014. The 36 anglers caught close to 35 pounds of fish. Participants included eleven children in the Keiki Division—nearly twice as many as last year.

The tournament is about more than just bringing in and seeing the big fish. Many of the participants are there to celebrate family and see friends. Oahu Division Business Agent/State Sports Coordinator Brian Tanaka said, “This tournament is about the children and the family.”

Vote for ILWU endorsed candidates

Have you ever heard the statement, “My vote won’t count”? The person who says this thinks their voice won’t be heard. 

ut let’s face it—the only time your vote doesn’t count is when you don’t use it.

When you are in the voting booth, you are as powerful as the General Manager at the Grand Wailea, or the CEO of Servco Pacific, or the owner of Foodland Super Market. You have just as much of a say as the Governor of the State of Hawaii.

ILWU 142 endorses David Ige

(Top) Oahu Division Director Mike Yamaguchi with endorsed gubernatorial candidate David Ige. (Above) Local Political Action Committee members with U.S. Representative District I candidate Mark Takai.

Statewide pensioner conference is a hit—continued from page 1

Adele Ching of the Executive Office on Aging and Sgt. Roderick Green of the Kauai Police Department cautioned pensioners about being wary of those who prey on trusting seniors and warned them to avoid becoming victims of scams and fraud.

Maui recognizes outstanding units and individuals

WAILUKU—In what has become an annual event, ILWU Local 142’s Maui Division honored their outstanding members and units at a special awards dinner after the regular Division Executive Board (DEB) meeting on April 16, 2014.

The division presented awards in eight categories, with awards for both male and female winners in individual categories.

Recognition of Unit Member: Gail Manibog, Unit 2511 - Makena Beach and Golf Resort and Kelly Ruidas, Unit 2101 - HC&S Company. 

New contract in place at Valley Isle Motors

WAILUKU—Wage increases and reductions in medical insurance premium co-payments are the highlights of a new three year agreement for Valley Isle Motors, according to union spokesperson Maui Division Director Stephen Castro. The agreement will run from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2017.

Pay hikes amount to a 10% increase over the duration of the contract. The union committee also achieved a reduction in the members’ medical insurance premium co-payment. The ratification was held June 27, 2014, and the memorandum of agreement (MOA) was approved overwhelmingly.

Kauai pensioners enjoy annual picnic

About 150 Kauai pensioners enjoyed their annual picnic on July 19—not at the beach or in the park, but at their union hall! They sat with their clubs—Lihue, Kekaha, McBryde, Gay & Robinson, and Golden Years—and enjoyed fun games, prizes, speeches, food, and a chance to talk story with old and new friends.

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