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Local 142 elects new officers

Union-wide elections held in November 2009 elected 25 full-time officers, 13 members to the Local Executive Board, and 19 Delegates to the International Convention. All officers serve a term of three years, beginning January 2, 2010 and ending on January 1, 2013.

Members elected a new president—Isaac Fiesta Jr. from the Big Island. Vice President Donna Domingo was re-elected to serve a third term. Guy Fujimura was elected to serve his eighth term as the union’s secretary-treasurer, a position he has held since 1985.

ILWU Local 142 election results

Voting tallies for divisions

Justice prevails for workers of the Pacific Beach Hote

James M. Kennedy, Administrative Law Judge of the National Labor Relations Board, issued a scathing decision against HTH Corporation, the owners and management of the Pacific Beach Hotel in Waikiki.

The 51-page decision charged HTH management with 15 violations of federal labor law and ordered the hotel to resume recognition of the ILWU as the workers’ union, rehire and pay back wages to seven members of the union negotiating committee, pay the union’s cost of negotiating since 2005, rescind all changes made without the agreement of the union, and more.

Adopted Constitutional amendments

Deletions are bracketed and struck through and additions are underlined.


Summaries of adopted resolutions

R-1 Quality Health Care For All 
The 25th Convention of the ILWU Local 142 strongly supports universal health care and the national health care reform being proposed by Congress and President Obama.

R-2 Salutes Achievements of ILWU Hotel Workers 
ILWU hotel units have organized and involved members following the principles of ILWU democratic, rank and file unionism. By mobilizing members, our hotel units have won good contracts and protected members’ jobs even in times of economic trouble.

Summaries of adopted resolutions—continued from page 5

ers implore the Commission on Water Resource Management, when setting interim instream flow standards for East and West Maui streams, to ensure that an adequate amount of stream water is available to HC&S for the irrigation of its crops so that the benefits provided by HC&S to this community are sustained and the vast green fields of Central Maui are kept in agricultural production.

Proven techniques to increase your tips - Part 6

Are you a tipping category hotel worker? Do you want to increase your tipping income by 10 to 30 percent?

Yes? Then read Michael Lynn’s “Mega Tips: Scientifically Tested Techniques to Increase Your Tips.” Lynn explains 14 methods that are proven to increase your tips.

Results of ILWU International Election

The International Executive Board, meeting in San Francisco on Oct. 15-16, 2009, confirmed the results of the International election.

Elected officers of the union are:

Notice of ILWU Local 142 Election

This issue of the Voice of the ILWU is your official notice of the 2009 ILWU Local 142 Election. It contains the positions and candidates who will appear on the ballot and the dates, times and locations of voting for your unit. This issue also contains statements and photographs submitted by candidates.

The dates, times and locations of voting for your unit are listed separately by division—Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, and Oahu—and sorted by unit number. Look up your unit number or company name and take note of the dates, times, and locations indicated for your unit.

Voice of the ILWU

Local President

Local President Candidate 
Isaac Fiesta Jr.

Brothers and Sisters, 
I am Isaac Fiesta, Jr. I was raised in the small plantation town of Honomu, where I continue to live with my wife and family. In September 1968, I started at Pepeekeo Sugar Company, as a knapsack sprayer ending as garage purchasing clerk.

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