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Bush Social Security scheme on deck

During the 2004 Presidential election campaign, George W. Bush refused to speak truthfully about Social Security privatization. After his alleged victory over Senator John Kerry, he is moving quickly to destroy a Social Security system that has worked remarkably well since 1935.

Oahu longshore helps Red Cross —continued from page 1

carried out under the name and guiding principles of the Red Cross by three separate organizations that make up the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. (The Red Crescent is used instead of the Red Cross symbol in Islamic countries.) The three organizations are: the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC); the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; and the national Red Cross Societies.

For love of their union Union service: A Labor of Love

HONOLULU—Gordon Young said it well—”I don’t like to get an award for doing something I love doing. You,” he said, speaking to the room full of ILWU members, “should all get awards for volunteering your time to help your fellow employees.”

This and similar sentiments were expressed again and again by the unit leaders and retirees who were honored by the ILWU’s Oahu Division in a special program at its Executive Board meeting on February 25, 2005.

Awards dinner is an “aloha” for active members “Participate in your union, it’s all about you!”

HILO—The 2004 Hawaii Division awards were held at Hilo’s Harry Kamoku Hall on Saturday, February 26, 2005. Over 125 members filled the union hall by 6:00 p.m. in anticipation of an awards dinner that, according to Division Director Richard Baker Jr., “Gives the Division a chance to show its appreciation to all the members who participate in our programs and show leadership. Not everyone will get an award, but the dinner is an ‘aloha’ to every active member.”

Participating Pharmacies in the ILWU Health & Welfare Drug Plan

If you are an ILWU member working at the Hilton Waikoloa Village, the Hyatt Regency Maui, or the Hyatt Regency Kauai and receiving your medical benefits from the ILWU Health and Welfare Trust Fund, then this information is for you.

You can get your prescriptions filled at the following participating pharmacies and pay only $7.00 for a 30-day supply of generic drugs, insulin, or diabetic supplies. Brand name drugs will cost you $14.00 for the same 30- day supply. A 15-day supply is $6.00 for generic and $12.00 for brand name.

Are You a New Member? Then this is for you . . .

Are you a new employee, hired within the last 12 months?

If so, this issue of the Voice of the ILWU was prepared especially for you. As a union member, you are entitled to many rights and benefits and some responsibilities. This issue will help get you started with the essential information you need as a member of the ILWU. (Even longtime members may find the information useful.)

Welcome to the ILWU!

As a member of ILWU Local 142, you are part of a long and proud tradition where workers join or form organizations for their mutual benefit and to promote fairness and justice on the job. These organizations are called labor unions, trade unions, or just unions.

Organization for mutual benefit

A third and very important benefit of union membership goes far beyond your job. You are now a member of a workers’ organization--dedicated to defend your interests as a worker and to promote the general welfare of you and your family.

This is spelled out in the ILWU Declaration of Principles:

Work in a hotel?

Lucky you live Hawaii

Hawaii hotel workers earn among the highest wages of any hotel worker in the nation. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual pay of Hawaii hotel workers was $31,045 in 2003. Maui County hotel workers did even better with an average pay of $32,526

The only hotel workers who earned more were in the state of Maryland and the District of Columbia, where they averaged $33,018 and $32,746 respectively.

Maui Pine workers qualify for assistance

Laid-off workers from Maui Pineapple Company’s Kahului Cannery are eligible to receive a wide range of job assistance from the federal government. The ILWU successfully filed a petition requesting these benefits under the Trade Act of 1974, which provides Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) to workers who lose their jobs because of increased foreign imports and additional assistance for workers over the age 50.

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