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Lanai Labor Day

LANAI CITY—“I believe this Labor Day celebration on Lanai is a tremendous success,” said Maui Division Director Willie Kennison. “And we must thank the unit officers and stewards on Lanai who worked so hard to make it a reality.”

Voice of the Ilwu


Hawaii longshore employers and the union are involved in an unique, cooperative effort to educate workers and help prevent the spread and use of crystal meth (also known as ICE). ICE is a very addictive form of methampetamine which has been crystallized and is smokeable. ICE is a growing and serious problem in Hawaii.

General election island-by-island wins


On Kauai, the big win was Senator Gary Hooser’s blowout of former Republican Mayor Maryanne Kusaka. Hooser received 16,274 votes to Kusaka’s 8,270 votes—almost a two to one margin. This was another race expected to be close because of
Governor Lingle’s personal involvement and Republican efforts to target and defeat Hooser.

Hermina Morita (House District 14) Kapaa and Hanalei, also targeted by the Republicans, won re-election by a comfortable
margin of 1,376 votes.

The Hotel Industry — ILWU Pension Plan Summary Annual Report

This is a summary of the annual report for The Hotel Industry – ILWU Pension Plan, Federal I.D. #99-6027621, for the plan year beginning on January 1, 2003 and ending on December 31, 2003. The annual report has been filed with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).


“The ILWU endorses John Kerry for U.S. President and John Edwards for U.S. Vice President.”

Vote NO on all Four

Four changes to the Hawaii State Constitutional will be on the November 2 General Election Ballot that threaten to undermine our basic freedom and rights as American citizens. These four amendments are being pushed by  ertain people and elements within our community for self-interest and political purposes.

Union demands real security after container explodes in LA

LONG BEACH, Los Angeles—On April 28, 2004, a container exploded in the Port of Los Angeles just as it was being prepared to be loaded aboard a ship bound to Micronesia. It appears that vapor leaking from a propane or gas tank in the container exploded, blasting out its top, sides and back doors and scattering its contents across the terminal.

The Massie Case

On or about September 12, 1931, a wife of a young naval officer stationed at Pearl Harbor (Thalia Massie) claimed she was raped by five local males (2 Japanese, 2 Hawaiians, and 1 Chinese Hawaiian) at Ala Moana Park.

More NAFTA trouble for US sugar

Hawaii’s sugar industry is being hit hard by low sugar prices, which have dropped below 21 cents per pound for the last 10 months from October 2003 to July 2004. The low price has already caused one sugar producer in Michigan to forfeit 16,000 tons of sugar to the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) at the end of July.

The primary reason for the falling prices is the biggest users of sugar—bakery, cereal, and candy manufacturers—are buying less US made sugar.

Tourism up for some and down for others

“Best July ever.” “Strong growth in visitor arrivals.” “Continue to break all records.” These glowing words were used by the State’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism to describe Hawaii’s latest visitor numbers in a press release on August 25, 2004.

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